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Bush Takes 11 Point Lead!


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Sorry to say, but check up on your info. If you think that Kerry is the only candidate who changes opinions... You're misinformed.

True, but nobody even comes as close to Kerry when it comes to flip flopping on anything from his preference of favorite colors to the situation of tax cuts, war in Iraq, education, healthcare, gas policies, national debt, car emissions, privacy on the internet etc,.... must i say more? Kerry has flipped on every subject i have mentioned here plus many, MANY more... Dont ask where i get this info because it is pretty much common knowledge and information that all US Citizens have taken for granted. The internet may lie, so can television, but voting records do not.




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Common senses!?  :blink:


Wait, wait, hold me back.  I'm not going to start.


Suffice it to say I disagree.



The DNC didn't attack Bush at all, that's why they didn't come out of it ahead in the polls...


Though I think the GOP having their convention in NYC was... unnecessary.

Nobody attacked kerry at the RNC. They merely presented kerrys record and how horrible it has been for the last twenty years. You cannot run for president and expect no one to bring up your voting record. Especially if its as bad as his.


And give me a break. The republicans can have their convention wherever the hell they want.

shale we bring up bush's record? Hmmm Lets see first was the National Guard where he went AWOL (shoulda been shot for that), then theres the fact that Texas' Schools are the worst in the nation because he Vetoed several bills that supported them. Then theres the fact that Houstin is one of the most poluted cities in this country. Shall I continue?

Please, show me some proof of how bush single handley tanked texas educational system. And bush did not go awol in the national gaurd. He has even released documents with proof of his attendance. And polution is a huge factor all over this county, just because his state is polluted, that doesnt make it his fault. So please, continue, only next time provide some evidence to back your statements. Otherwise they are just the standard liberal talking points.

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Sorry to say, but check up on your info. If you think that Kerry is the only candidate who changes opinions... You're misinformed.

True, but nobody even comes as close to Kerry when it comes to flip flopping on anything from his preference of favorite colors to the situation of tax cuts, war in Iraq, education, healthcare, gas policies, national debt, car emissions, privacy on the internet etc,.... must i say more? Kerry has flipped on every subject i have mentioned here plus many, MANY more... Dont ask where i get this info because it is pretty much common knowledge and information that all US Citizens have taken for granted. The internet may lie, so can television, but voting records do not.




Hey newport just noticed something You cant even vote! LOL... I really dont see the reason why people care when they cant even vote. Could someone educate me?


Heres some info on some national education stuff http://www.democrats.org/education/bushrecord.html


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Kansas has crappy pollution records and we have a democratic governor too... Nobody complains about it.... But i bet ya not 3 days after a repub. gets elected for Kansas Gov. it will be all his fault too.

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I'm sorry. I hate to say this, but Kerry is screwed. Bush is going to pull Osama Bin Laden out of his . about 2 weeks before the election. I saw a news headline on Yahoo! News last night that said "Officials say capture of Osama close!" Needless to say it'd be the ultimate event to have him win the election. It wouldn't suprise me if he's locked up somewhere already and they're just going to pull him out then.

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Ill educate you. People care before they can vote, because even though you cant vote they still care about where this country is headed. Remember, this is our future, and god bless them for caring about it before they have to. I know people twice my age who have never voted. And that makes me sick. The fact that someone can so blantently not care about this coutnry as to not vote just goes to show how ungrateful some people are of the freedoms we have. The ability to vote, or not, its always good to be involved in politics.



just saw that link about bushes education record. What a bunch of crap. The page is merely filled with liberal opinions of the no child left behind act. heres a quote from it.


Bush leaves his own "No Child Left Behind" reforms behind. Bush's proposed budgets have broken his promise to fully fund No Child Left Behind, falling short by $33.2 billion, including $22.4 billion less for Title I programs for low-income children.4


They say that bush isnt fully funding no child left behind? Im sorry, but one of the thing that they fail to mention is the fact that John F'in Kerry voted for no child left behind. Then HE voted to stop funding it!! What kind of a message does that send? "I what to help the schools, but when you need more money, I'm gonna vote to not give it to you!!" Give me a break.

Edited by andrusk

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Ill educate you.  People care before they cant vote, because even though you cant vote they still care about where this country is headed.  Remember, this is our future, and god bless them for caring about it before they have to.  I know people twice my age who have never voted.  And that makes me sick.  The fact that someone can so blantently not care about this coutnry as to not vote just goes to show how ungrateful some people are of the freedoms we have.  The ability to vote, or not, its always good to be involved in politics.

So your saying Kerry dosent care about this Country? Because Ill tell you he dose and if your saying he dosent is just wrong. You cant hate the demorcrats as I dont hate the republicans because if it wasent for the other party we would have a sort of dictatorship going on. Because everyone would agree thus giving the president the ultimate power. Anyways im rambling on and on heres one more link for yah




The reason why Kerry didnt vote on it is because he knew it wasent a good bill. It has to many holes in it. If you actully bothered to read it then you would know. He dosent think that education should be ran that way.

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um... I think you misunderstood my statement. If you reread it youll realize that im not talking about john kerry. John kerry does care about america (i think). But what Im talking about is when you said

I really dont see the reason why people care when they cant even vote. Could someone educate me?
So, I decided to educate you on the reason why people who cant vote, do care. The statement I said up there had nothing to do with john kerry.

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god.. how can you vote for a guy like bush.. he cant speek, he cant lead the .ry, he is a war mongerer, he is barbarik, he lets Dick Cheney run the .ry, he has ruined our relationship with improtant alies that we so desperetally need, he has made america weeker... the thing about america is we have alies, good close alies, and now bush has broken trust with many of them..


bush also wanted to go to war befor he was in office.. its ture.. bush has ties with the osama familly, bush has oil ties with many terrist nations... who cares about oil.. i would rather pay a load of money for oil then pay the price of igrnorince in our own government.. we have lost MILLIONS of jobs.. and our economy was a growing economy when Clintion left, and he has single handeldy turned a billion dollar surpluss into the biggest defficet EVER.. now


YOU TELL ME.. how is a contry suppose to run when we have such a defficet.. give the rich more and more and more tax breakes until the por are diminished from the face of the earth! or until evereone who i alive is just rich.. is that the way we do it.


or do we start to pay of this debt.. tax the rich more... tax the amrican people more.. and use some of that money for medicare, for social security, for stem cell reserch, for importing drugs from other countries to cut down on the cost of percrioption durgs that SO MANY americans still canot afford.


MY medication is adviar, it is esential for ashma.. it keeps me from haveing an ashma attack every day.. that drug cost over 120 dollars to the average american without insurence.. go to canida.. you will find that same drug for less then 60 dollars..


or governemt is becomming corrupt.. john kerry has a real plan.. not some UNREALISTC ideas and LIES to get ellected..


now you look at the debates from 2000 and it you can find 1 god darn thing that mr gwb has done that he said he would do.. i would like for you to tell me..


he said he would create jobs.. and he clames he did.. but its a drop in the bucket.. 4 million+ jobs lost and only 1 million gained back?? now how is that growth.. you may just say he has lost 3 million and gained nothing..


He said we would have a better medicar system.. yet my granmother is loosing her coverage.. he said there would be more money in the pockets of americans, yet my mother cant afford to by a bed..


now, you thing deep and hard.. deep and hard...


this is a quote form my grandmother, and im not directing it towards anyone realy just saying it "people are stupid, they are so stupid, 3 people in an interview said they were going to vote for bush because they did not like the way john kerry looks, 2 people said they were not going to vote because there both not eligibal canidates, more people say that they want to vote for this guy, bceause of the way he talkes"


now you tell me.. THE average american is basically clueless, and if more americans could be as smart as they should, if more americans studeyed each canidate, if more americans would give a crap on whats going on besides there own life, kerry would be pulling ahead..


now 10's of thousands of protesters, mabe millions, protesting the republican convention.. and they get about 10 min of coverage.. does that not say somthing to the american people.. there were protesters on the democratic convention.. but not even 1/4 of as many..


we need to pull together as a nation, and relise the danger that we are truely in for..


the guy tryes to get in the office because he is a :boren again christion: now im not saying there is anything wong with religion, BUT when you use it as an excuse to get into our government by playing with the poeples minds, then that is wong.


i cant stress enough.. on why kerry needs to be elected.. i swear.. if i could get news coverage for 1 hour, in an intervew with some one.. i would change that bounce.. i would make the american people see, i would let them know what is realy worong

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You cant even vote! LOL... I really dont see the reason why people care when they cant even vote. Could someone educate me?

I care but I'll be too young to vote, age has nothing to do with whether you care or not.


it seems to me like you think you are superior to anyone that cant vote because you'll turn 18 a month or so before the election <_<


On topic: Good stuff, I hope Bush keeps the lead ;)

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hey asus. if you really want to change peoples minds, you should call up the rush limbaugh or the sean hannity show. Im sure you babbling on and on about how evil bush is woudl really convince all the listeners to vote kerry. No really, you should call. I bet you could rip rush limbaugh apart




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