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Good Ol' Wd


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Well I had a 80gb WD drive that died on me, but that is not the main point of this discussion. The drive that died was manufactured around last summer (I forgot the exact date) and it had a 3 year warranty good until the summer of 2006. So I send back the drive to get a replacement. Once I received the replacement drive, I noticed that the sticker was just printed a few days ago with a date of 8/24/04. Also the sticker says "re-certified" on it (I'm thinking crap, hope it lasts more than a few days). Well getting to the main point, I checked the serial number of the new drive to see how long the warranty is and I find a BIG surprise. The warranty for the replacement drive is only good until 1/20/05! A five-month warranty?! I am going to contact WD tomorrow and see what can be done about this. This is absolutely rediculous for a replacement drive.


If WD is gonna pull a stunt like this, then they are going to loose another customer. I have used WD drives for a long time (5+ years), and this is the only incident I have ever had with their drives.

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Unfortunately, they are starting to do that a lot more. Most of the time, any RMA replacement will be rd-certified/remanufactured drive with a very short warranty.


It's not just WD, it's most manufacturers that are doing this in the name of "save money"

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i have a pile of WD caviars and old 20 gig maxtors - proof that just because there are the ones out there that last - there are also the ones out there that bomb out real bad


and yet my seagate is still trucking , i even have a 1.2gb SLIM seagate that still boots from 8 years ago

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