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Since I installed XP-pro (6 days ago) I've been having to deal (daily) with one incursion or another... this is the latest little horror I've turned up on the LAN :O


It wasn't detected by any of the current 'free' AV products I have, it's called MsUpdate.exe and it installs into your 'startup' folder network wide, then continually attempts to 'dial out' (for what purposes I don't know) :(


Its name would suggest it's a Microsoft Product... but here's the file properties...





Deleting it's reasonably easy... but you have to terminate it's process, or it's a no-go :lol:


Just thought I'd share ;)


I hate SCUM-WARE! :angry:

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Not all... I've heard horror stories about SP2 ;)


Plus... with all that 'dialing out' (3 instances of MsUpdate)... it ate up most of my meager bandwidth, making d/loading extremely difficult :O



Getting a better AV pack this week, with SP2 included on install disk ;)

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ooh, i had this problem....turned out to be spyware files that my AVG free didnt like much.....ran adaware, problem solved!


i however, have had horrors with SP2 :( i don;t deserve this! argh! arrrrrgh!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

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