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Computer Freezes


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Hello to all at overclockersclub.com. I hope someone could be kind enough to help me with a confusing problem. :blink:


I have just recently built a new computer. Running NF7-S Abit mother board, Athlon XP 2800 processor, Ebuyer 512 DDR400 PC3200 Extra Value Ram. and 120Gb hardrive, TNT2 Graphics card, Windows XP pro.


The hardware all works lovely and smooth, no probs here. But when I try and use a slightly demanding program, windows media player, winamp e.t.c, it just freezes after 1 minute or so.


I've put this down to a driver conflict. I have downloaded the latest drivers for everything including, motherboard chipset, graphics card, all latest XP updates. this hasn't helped.


Could this be the fact that I have partitioned my drive into 4 seperates. The smallest partition being the one with the operating system. Could the freeze be due to the lack of space for windows to operate, only got a gig left on that partition.


Or could it be my extra value RAM!?


Can any one offer any solution?




Lahn :)

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are you overclocking?


Do you now how to put a heat sink on,

do you know how to spred the thermal compound correctally?


you could have WAY to much thermal compound, as you barley need any to do good..


do you have the heat sink firmly on the cpu?


is your cpu fan spinning??

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Have you put your pagefile on the same partition as Windows? If not, YOU NEED TO! Apart from that, there are so many things which could cause this problem, your ram for one. Make sure your HDD is the master on it's channel too ;)

Edited by HomerJaySimpson

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Well, if you're machine isn't overclocked this wouldn't apply, but if it is, you may need to bump the voltage up a notch. Also, what do your CPU temps look like? I actually run my Virtual Memory Swap File on another drive entirely. I don't think that's the problem. It could be the RAM... can you try your current setup with a different stick or sticks of RAM? Maybe you could borrow some from a friend or something. Then you could eliminate RAM from the possibilities if that doesn't correct the problem...

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Have you tried memtest? Have you tried running an app to stress the CPU (like folding, seti, prime95, etc)?



Also - if you want better performance, it's best to move the swapfile to another disk (physical disk - it's pointless if it's the same physical disk). It's best on another channel or on sata.

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