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I just built my comp today, when i turn on the power to the powersupply , the Power led lights up on the mobo, then i try to turn the comp on, but nothing happens. can someone tell me what i can do??

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Do you have the power button hooked up to the right jumper points on the mobo? I know those pins are small and it's easy to get them off by a pin. Just double check your mobo's manual and make sure that the power switch from the case is conencted to the right spot.

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Your jumpers are wrong. If you have the powerswitch on teh correct prongs, you might have to turn it around. try turning it and do it again. your board is bettin power, but the power switch is not sending a signal.

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Time to break out the multimeter/voltage tester. Try checking the switch first. That could be bad. ..And of course you double checked ALL the jumpers..right? Do you have another PC that you could test the PSU in? Also, If you just got the board, make sure the CMOS jumper is in the right position...you never know if someone just stuck it on there

Edited by Pent uP Rage

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It sounds to me like something is shorting out and the breaker in the psu is tripping. You used the standoffs to hold the mobo away from the case, right? Also, try removing everything but the mobo, cpu, ram, and video card (and unplug everything unneeded from the psu as well) and see if you can get it to post.

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i had the same problem the other day.. it sounds your board is touching the case where it shouldnt be :huh: maybe im wrong... but it's what my prob was it'd turn on for a sec then turned off so just check everything.. when all else fails.. re-install again

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