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Huge Annoying Problem With Doom 3


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AMD 64 3400+

1 gig of 400Mhz DDR ram Crucial

Sapphire ATI X800 XT (VI/VO)

Audigy 2.0

60 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital

120 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital


Monitor is a 21 inch samsung 213T LCD


Motherboard is a Gigabyte K8VNXP


I'm using the Cat 4.9 drivers.



When I play Doom 3 there is thing annoying jerking and uneven movement. It happens even when FRAPS registers a solid 60 FPS+ and it doesn't matter whether I have v-sync on or off. (It's set to default off in the ATI control panel)


It feels almost like a frame skip or stutter (sound doesn't pause though) but FRAPs doesn't register it.


How the do I resolve this problem?


I installed the tweaks from




and downloaded and installed Cat 4.9


It did exactly jack! I still get that frame skip jump thing.


It's hard to explain but it's not related to my mouse and it shows even when my frame rate is 60 + fps. It happens even during cutscenes.


I know I mentioned some similar issues with Max Payne 2 a few weeks back, but it was VERY VERY subtle....you couldn't notice it during gameplay. This is very noticable and annoying!!!

Edited by IceAIM

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This may sound wierd, but I read a review that was saying to refrain from using the "optimal settings" button. It is a very wrong estimation of what your system can handle. Myself I have 1GB of 400Mhz dual channel ram with a P4 2.6 Radeon 9800 Pro \ 80GB Games HDD \ 30GB Windows HDD.


I do know how to setup my system though, and with all the tweaks and programs that I have running in the background to keep my system running stellar, I can run doom 3 in ULTIMATE QUALITY mode smoothly. I'll tell ya, this game is amazing when you play 1024X768 ULTIMATE QUALITY everything on. It is surely what the hype was all about. Let's see if it competes with HL2 though.


Fix For your problem:


Try setting the Refresh Rate Lock on in the "Displays" tab of your "Advanced Properties" panel in "Display Properties" as well you will want to ensure that "VSYNC is ON" and make sure you set your refresh rate to more than 60 in the"Adapter" tab or "Monitor" tab.


I am almost certain that this will work, and also you may want to try using AA as it relieves some of the pressure on your video card.


If you want any more doom3 help you can post here, I have read many tweak guides for it already and I own it.




Edited by skuppers

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ive read that LCD monitors arent as good for gaming unless they have a really low response time. i would try with a good'ol CRT monitor.

This happens with my CRT too and on my TV when I use TV out.


All my other games work fine other than Doom 3.


I'm going to try the thing the second poster suggested and will report back my findings.

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With Vysnc off tearing is nuts.


And LCDs can go over 60HZ mine runs at 75HZ. Really were trying to help you and you keep saying thats not it.

My LCD won't give over 60hz. Most LCDs I've seen don't. Some I'm sure do. Also I'm connecting via DVI.


I know tearing is nuts with vsync. I already said I tested it with vsync ON and OFF.....the tearing still happens.


Goto this thread for a complete log of my problem. Everyone over there is stumped too. I found one guy with the same problem as me.



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