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Why Do You Support ............?

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I'll probably end up getting banned,,,,



OK,, this thread needs no responses and if you do..... FOLLOW THE FORUM RULES!!


BUt I have a challenge for all of you as the elections get closer.....


Why are you going to vote for your candidate?



Seems easy, huh?


Can you answer that question without EVER saying/thinking/typing ANYTHING about the other candidates or the other parties....?


Can you only focus on what your guy is going to do, NOT what you feel the other guy hasn't done or won't do?


getting tougher isn't it?


OK, Do you ACTUALLY know what your candidate stands for? Voting records? History? Platforms for this election?

Or just what we read and hear in the news?


Again, if you mention another party or candidate in any way....you are out!


If you wanna post great, but this is more of an individual challenge for everyone as we get closer to the election....


It is important to believe in something or someone.....but it is More Important to understand why....



Soon to be banned for starting bad threads, Exeter!

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I think it's a great idea for a thread, and a very intelligent way to examine your political views, because I cannot answer without breaking your rules. So, kudos on the great idea, because you have me stumped. However, I can't vote in this election, so it shouldn't weigh as heavy on me as it should for others.


Nice knowing you :P

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I can easily answer this: I will vote based on preservation of the second amendment. The candidate who has historically, and openly fights to protect the individual right of all Americans to keep and bear arms, will always get my vote.


Obviously, this is Bush. He is the candidate who has, and will *most* support the second amendment. Also, as I have lived in Texas for 10 years, I can testify that this has always been a key element to his platform and political decisions.


Is this a satisfactory answer to your question?


LOL, and you thought YOU were going to get flamed ;)



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very cool idea exeter. This type of thread should eliminate the bashing that's prevalent in all others.


Anyways, if the election was tomorrow, I'd vote for Bush. I think he is the best bet to continue the fight against terrorism, as well as see Iraq all the way through. In addition, he's had the strongest support of Isreal of practically any president. Domestically, he's helped turn the economy around. Those that don't understand the complexities of a national economy are quick to blame Bush for the down times, but it takes time to make changes. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention previous administrations or not, so i'll just have to leave it at that. The economy is on it's way up, and unemployment on the way down. Lastly, I'm a strong supporter of the death penalty.


Are there issues where his position i disagree with? Of course. But IMO, there will never be a president who thinks exactly the way i do, and thus, sometimes you have to compromise, and IMO, the stuff I agree on with Bush is more important than the stuff I don't.


As i said, this was if the election was tomorrow. I'm open to hearing all the issues brought up and all candidates addressing them.

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Nice idea Exeter, but we would like to hear the thoughts of the author of the thread as well. :P


Here is why I am voting for Bush:


He is a fiscal Conservative

He is strong on National Defense

He is stronger than any candidate in the War against Terrorism

He understands that lowering tax's will generate greater revenues therefor being good for Business and the Economy

He supports the Death Penalty

He puts our Sovereignty first and foremost b4 any other nations or the U.N.


Like Clay said:

Are there issues where his position i disagree with? Of course. But IMO, there will never be a president who thinks exactly the way i do, and thus, sometimes you have to compromise, and IMO, the stuff I agree on with Bush is more important than the stuff I don't.

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even though I am a year too young to vote in 2004, I would support bush.


He is pro life-I am pro life

He seems to be a good president for the war on terror

He gave tax breaks

I agree with most of his platforms.

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i vote kerry because kerry believes that america shouldn't just be able to go to war because we want to, but go to war because we have to. he plans on increasing national security. he believes in turning this nation back into a place of strength instead of a place of fear. he has plans to liberate our hold on Middle east oil by using other means of getting energy. he believes in helping and maintaining a strong middle class America. He also believes in creating alliances.

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OK, so Ayokona will leave me alone! :P


I am voting for George Bush...


I feel he has the experience to continue to lead.


He backs up his believe with votes and action (while not always with the best vocabulary!)


He leads our country without allowing us to be pushed around.

Strong Defense..


Willing to take risks that are not politically favorable for the good of our economy..

which he has done a great job of cleaning up


doesn't try to scare us into feeling that unless the Government takes care of us, we can't survive


Understands that the U.S. is a world leader and leads accordingly.


Allows the economy freedom to grow. It is (supposedly) a Free market system and he allows it to be such (livng in Michigan, a Democratic, Union stronghold, people don't quite get this one!)


Has an excellent agenda regarding Healthcare (as others said, there are a couple things I don't like..but..)

Since when is it the governments responsibility to provide us healthcare? That would be socialism or communism... but Bush is implementing great social programs.


Good education policy.... it is called ACCOUNTABILITY! we as a society and as individuals are responsible for our own actions...meaning, if teachers or schools are not doing a good job, no amount of money can make it better...

It helps, but we need to make teachers, schools, AND students accountable.

No more social advancement



Well..thats enough for now....


Oh and as I told Ayo... My guy is much Cuter!



Reading resources:





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Nice idea Exeter, but we would like to hear the thoughts of the author of the thread as well. :P


Here is why I am voting for Bush:


He is a fiscal Conservative

He is strong on National Defense

He is stronger than any candidate in the War against Terrorism

He understands that lowering tax's will generate greater revenues therefor being good for Business and the Economy

He supports the Death Penalty

He puts our Sovereignty first and foremost b4 any other nations or the U.N.


Like Clay said:

Are there issues where his position i disagree with? Of course. But IMO, there will never be a president who thinks exactly the way i do, and thus, sometimes you have to compromise, and IMO, the stuff I agree on with Bush is more important than the stuff I don't.


Why i dont like Bush..


He also helped Osamas family some days before 9/11

He didnt find . in iraq (if you pull that "we found sadam" stuff) You'd run too if you had a huge powerful army coming at you, but i do admit the man was F'ed in the head a bit...(or alot)

He took us to iraq so we would forget about osama because

A. There are friends (i really wouldnt be suprised)

B. He couldnt find them

He is trying to scare us now by warning us and putting us on higher alert during the election so we will "beg" for him or w/e...

He draged thr british into this (i dont think british should have went to iraq with us)

The French are smart..(random point)

He said it wasnt important that we find Osama shortly after 9/11


and finally he looks like a dang monkey...





have a nice day, sleep well, dont choke

...go kerry



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Why i dont like Bush..


He also helped Osamas family some days before 9/11

He didnt find . in iraq (if you pull that "we found sadam" stuff) You'd run too if you had a huge powerful army coming at you, but i do admit the man was F'ed in the head a bit...(or alot)

He took us to iraq so we would forget about osama because

A. There are friends (i really wouldnt be suprised)

B. He couldnt find them

He is trying to scare us now by warning us and putting us on higher alert during the election so we will "beg" for him or w/e...

He draged thr british into this (i dont think british should have went to iraq with us)

The French are smart..(random point)

He said it wasnt important that we find Osama shortly after 9/11


and finally he looks like a dang monkey...





have a nice day, sleep well, dont choke

...go kerry



Please provide me some links with these outlandish claims above. :blink:

OK,, this thread needs no responses and if you do..... FOLLOW THE FORUM RULES!!


BUt I have a challenge for all of you as the elections get closer.....


Why are you going to vote for your candidate?



Seems easy, huh?


Can you answer that question without EVER saying/thinking/typing ANYTHING about the other candidates or the other parties....?


Can you only focus on what your guy is going to do, NOT what you feel the other guy hasn't done or won't do?


getting tougher isn't it?


OK, Do you ACTUALLY know what your candidate stands for? Voting records? History? Platforms for this election?

Or just what we read and hear in the news?


Again, if you mention another party or candidate in any way....you are out!


If you wanna post great, but this is more of an individual challenge for everyone as we get closer to the election....


It is important to believe in something or someone.....but it is More Important to understand why....

This thread is supposed to be for your candidate, not the one you oppose.

Your ludicrous claims bearing no merit should be left in another thread, therefor create a new thread, and we shall see how far your argument prolongs. :P

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p8baller, the point of the thread was to say why you like YOUR candidate, not to try to destroy them with liberal hogwash.


So, i will be brusque in saying that Dubya is a good ole boy from Texas with lots of money and power, whats not to like? I believe one of his first acts in office was putting a ban on partial birth abortion, a great place to start if you ask me.


And as long as you get to do it.....



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