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AMD vs. Intel

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For gaming, AMD > Intel


I've been using AMD since the old 133MHz chip for a 486, and still stick with them, apart from my old pentium 1, and my celeron 2.4 laptop, neither of which are for gaming

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I started off with a Intel dx4 100, then 200mmx, then p3 800.But that was the last intel i had.Not because i think AMD were better,{i do now though lol}but they are a lot cheaper.So AMD rock.If only they could get the mgz speed as intel.

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You have to understand that the speed AMD has is due the the architecture, which wont allow them to go as high as Intel does but the damaging blow is much greater. They are having trouble getting thier speed up, as they do more research they maybe able to pull it off, and if they do INTEL can pack thier bags and file bankruptcy. people say 64 is too early in technology nothing is too early. Even on beta we have seen what 64 bit can do with touch ups its going to be flawless and AMD is headed in the right direction as opposed to INTEL. I think the whole HT tech is stupid it does not help gaming at all. Its suited for businness applications why would you want to multitask when your gaming?

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Intel does but the damaging blow is much greater.


Somthing I have noticed with intel proccesors is over time the slow down. For example my old 2001 dell started off @ 2.0ghz and know is @ 1.73. Also my dell labtop started off @ 2.0ghz when I got it and know it is @ 1.95ghz. Does this have anything to do with it?

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my dell labtop started off


laPtop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dang have you ever typed this word correctly, every post where laptops are involved i see you type labtop.


Now as for slowdown are you sure your just looking at it on down the line and realizing that it's different? bc FSB isnt an "exact" thing, a 2.6 will run 2.59 alot of the times bc tghe FSB might be at 132.6 instead of 133 or some other similar difference.



btw AMD SUCKS...wait i just bought one......DANGIT!

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