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Maze 4 Pelt Melted

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

yea what sprung a leak? i hope your 3.2EE lives to fight another day, and i heard nothing but bad things about 3.4EE and overclocking

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You know what looks like happend?


ur using a 226watt pelt right?

and that Maze is plastic..


you prolly melted a hole in the maze block..i know the bottom is copper.. but the pelt i bet heated up the outside and sprung a leak from it..


I would definitly go with an all copper block when using a pelt..



Sorry about your loss though.. hope the P4 is still in good shape!

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

bu the water running through it should have kept the plastic cool enough not to melt

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Thanks on the great picture, its my Sony DCS-F717 5.0 Mega Pixel on macro, I am not sure what was leaking yet, it was not the pump I know that, its in another case with hoses running to the koolance case, I know when I got the maze 4 and installed it the first time it leaked aroung the threads of there fittings after a couple of months and killed my ATI AIW 9800 Pro and my Asus board, so I put brass fittings and a better sealant and teflon tape and tightened them up. Theres were so loose or the sealant they used was no good that it leaked and the fitting were so loose I took them out with my hands. I was back in business for a few months until this, I have not checked it out to see if it was hose or not yet, if it was not a hose then it was probabaly the maze 4 leaking again, I do not think it likes to be below freezing on minute and then ambient temps when folding the next minute that is to much temp difference to quick. I think I am just going to go water cooling without the pelt as I already have a few extra cooling blocks.

Edited by road-runner

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one more reason for me not to buy a acrylic top waterblock...

Well even with a copper top it's still going to torch whatever's underneath it...the top won't make any difference at all.

erm, isn't the underneath cold?


in any case, i meant that acrylic is subject to warping and breaking, copper wouldn't do this, and it looks to me like the acrylic warped and snapped and caused the leak... and i'm thinking copper would have just stayed put...

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OUCH!  Lap it again and get a new top and you should be ready to go! If not there always the trash can.  :foldon:  :foldon:

Oh I have some more maze 4s complete, cold plates, an extra meanwell PSU still in the box, had an extra pelt untill the last mishap and I broke a wire off of it and had to throw it awauy, if the CPU is good I think I will just use water cooling since I do not have anymore pelts, and do not think I want anymore, but I guess that is really not the type of rig to put in a room upstairs and let it run 24/7 for months and just check on them once or twice a day. Oh well its done now, I will soon know if its anygood.

Edited by road-runner

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