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Nice Memory Oc

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Ok...I need to know which is better. Running my fsb at 230 - 1:1, or running my fsb at 250 with a divider of 5:4.


I get lots more bandwidth with my memory running at 230, but how much performance do i lose when i run my processor at 2.76 rather than 3.0ghz?


also...why can i overclock my memory so much higher when i've got my divider at 1:1?


with 5:4, i can only push it to about 208 :(.

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dont know the answer to all , but as far as performance loss , try running some bench marks , in both settings , and note the differance.

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I have no idea why,but it seems certain combinations of mobo/RAM/dividers just don't make nice.My Kingston will go to about 216mhz with the 5:4 divider,but the same with 1:1.The way I've been working it is a 5:4 divider with a 270fsb,so I get some nice memory bandwidth and a high cpu OC.

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at 1:1, i was able to get my memory run at 217fsb with the processor at around 3ghz. i dropped down to 5:4 and i'm running my memory at 230fsb (~375mhz) and cpu at 3.22 and i'm getting MUCH better pcmarks/3dmarks in this configuration. it starts to balance out once you cross a certain threshold.

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