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Alright, I know that anything ending in "SE" is the dumbed down version of the non pro, but I'm wondering if a 9800se would really do any good. It's only $6 more than a 9600 Pro at newegg, and seems like it would be an ok card. I'm not going to buy it right now since the X800 is about to drop the 9800 series down, and I know the 9800 Pro is only $210, but I simply don't have that much money. Would a 9800se be better than a 9500 Pro (I'm almost positive it's better than a 9600 np)? And why does newegg have a 128 and 256 bit version of the se?

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It depends on the version on the 9800SE. The Powercolor card using the L-shaped 256 bit memory interface supposedly softmods quite well to a full 9800. The success rates are supposedly very good.

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If you flash the 9800 SE to a full 9800 and then OC it, you will have a good card. Don't buy the 128-bit version. It won't perform anywhere near as well as 256-bit.


Yeah, a 9500 Pro will beat the snot out of a 9600 NP/SE. Not sure how it stacks up against the Pro/XT.

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I know it's better than a 9600 se/np, but what about a 9500Pro? That's my other choice right now (same price range). And has anyone ever heard of a 9550? It seems to be cheaper than the 9500 np, but I can't find any manufacturer specs or benchmarks

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I was about to ask about the 9550, but w/e. Here, in this video card roundup, the 9800SE is on par with the 9500Pro along with the 9600XT, but the 9600XT performs a little worse than the 9500Pro. You could buy the 9800SE and attempt the softmod, but It's risky. I would still get the 9800SE if you REALLY need it that badly but dont get it too pricey. I have a 9500Pro coming in the mail (hopefully) that I bought off of Ebay for a 100 bucks, which to me, was a steal B) Remember to get the 9800SE with the L-Shaped memory!

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