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Good Timings?

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Can you guys tell me what good ram timings are and is it affected by the fsb or anything. At the moment ive got 2.0-3-2-6, im seeing too many timings everywhere and havent a clue if this is any good. Thanks in advance.


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Well timings depend on what motherboard you have.

For example my Intel runs best @ 2-2-2-5 ,

But for Nforce2 which I see in your sig, you should have it set @ lowest settings as possible EXCEPT for the last # should be 11

For example, (If you can get it this low), this should be the best timings for you setup 2-2-2-11

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Those timings are bad, but they could be better. Like mentioned above, for an AMD setup 2-2-2-11 is ideal and yields the best results. However, the performance gains will be barely noticeable in real world tests, only benchmarking and heavy gaming will show an improvement worth noting.

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