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Desktop Case Cooling

Guest Nacho

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Guest Nacho

So I have a desktop HTPC case, and I'm currently running an Athlon XP 1600+ cooled by a Volcano 6cu, Radeon 9600 AIW, etc on a K7S5A (ECS).


The problem is that I can't seem to find a good way to cool it. The case has 1 60mm front intake (that doesn't really give much airflow since the front of the case doesn't have but a few tiny holes for it), 2 60mm rear exhausts, and an 80mm right above the processor.


Originally, the 80 was not a fan but a duct to go around the CPU fan, but it didn't fit quite above the CPU so I decided to take out the duct and put in a fan (would probably be better anyhow). I have tried it in both intake (blowing cooler air towards the proc) and exhaust (blowing the hot air in the top of the case outward), and I haven't really been able to tell much difference.


The problem is that I am almost constantly at 50 degrees (idle) on the proc and around 38-40 in the case. Every time I change a fan it either makes no difference or raises temps.


I know it isn't the CPU HSF because this same setup worked about 33-35 case and 40-43 proc in a tower case with better airflow.


Any help on this would be appreciated.



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I'd say either mod yer case to accomodate at least 80mm fans and possibly 120mm...


That or get a case that will.


Shouldn't really have any 60mm fans.


ONE 60mm intake on the front???? New case or case modding.

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note that this is a HTPC so it NEEDS to be quiet...If I were you, I would TRY to stuff a 60-80mm adapter in there and put a 80mm stealth fan for intake. But really, 50C is ok, I get 50C when I'm not folding, and Im happy (texas, what do you expect?) I know you said you've done this, but make ALL the 60mm fans intake, the 80mm fan exhaust and flip the HS fan so its sucking air away from the HS, and blowing the air right into that 80mm fan. This is only if you have a HTPC case thats on its side, as in, flat, or horizontal. You shouldn't be too worried about the temps.

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This desktop case of mine (Cele A's) have a 'fan port' in the base to draw up cooler air... additionally there's passive air flow vents either side of the case.


Having such a case seems to trap heat close to the processor, someone @ these forums modded a rear 'fan port' to accept a intake duct directly over the CPU (an idea I'd like to borrow ;))... that'd leave your 80mm to cool the remainder of the case...


Additionally your AGP card, is it expelling it's own heat adequately, or merely adding to overall case/cpu temps?<_<

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It adds to the case heat problem. I normally leave my case open just to allow as much airflow as possible. If anyone has a good link to a site that has [preconfigured] peltier and watercooling systems (yes I'm a little lazy) please post it/them. (no, I did not search for a thread about this, and I won't, either.)

Edited by a rabbit

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It adds to the case heat problem. I normally leave my case open just to allow as much airflow as possible. If anyone has a good link to a site that has [preconfigured] peltier and watercooling systems (yes I'm a little lazy) please post it/them. (no, I did not search for a thread about this, and I won't, either.)

Nice thread hijack. Extra style points for refusing to search.

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Sorry; but I have researched this before, and did not like what I found. My point was not to hijack the thread, but to get fresh input that an old thread may not be able to provide. Things change. However, this was a side point for my response to the temp question.

Edited by a rabbit

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Sorry; but I have researched this before, and did not like what I found. My point was not to hijack the thread, but to get fresh input that an old thread may not be able to provide. Things change. However, this was a side point for my response to the temp question.

Yes, and when this occurs (you have a question) you're best to put it in its own thread. Makes things flow much better.

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Guest Nacho

Indeed it is best to make your own thread...I saw that my post had 8 replies and figured I'd gotten some dang good input, while more than half of it is actually completely unrelated to my original question.


The problem with the 60-80 adaptor is twofold: the 60's are secured by clips instead of actual screws, and they are right next to each other (literally touching) so that if I could put an adaptor in there I could only use one...and I honestly think the front intake is just there for looks, putting a peice of paper in front of the intake holes does nothing...I'm not even sure if the sheet metal behind the intake clip has a grill for it.


I think I'm going to go for a better HSF on the chip (even though I'm not so sure that's the problem) and see if I can use cardboard or something to duct it into the top intake...or exhaust...or whatever works best.


Any other ideas?



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try taking the duct through the side of the case, you may need to buy a new side cover to do this if you don't have the tools (some already have a side duct, but I'm not sure where to find them in this area.)

Edited by a rabbit

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