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Pmi Ram

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Well not much people ever heard of PMI but I read 1 review on them (good rating), cant remember where..?? :unsure:

And I was also eager to get my hands on some at my local dealer (not bad for the price), but i want to know what you guys think of them here at OCC. Well here's the link for them:




I'll give these ram a shot if at least 5 ppl give them good feedback.


btw they are Canadian wholesale, thus in CAN dollars. Anyone located in Ottawa this place is awsome.

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nice nice :D

thx FanATIc205


btw: about ram timing, I know that a timing of 3-4-4-8 is raw power but I thought it was better to have lower timings of like 2-2-2-6?

Edited by D-r0cK

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It really depends on the application.


If you want to have have a really high fsb, loosen the timings. I've found this approach to raise benchmarks but lower overall system performance. Its good for the people who want bragging rights, because, lets face the facts: an overclock of 2.5ghz is going to sound a lot more impressive to a normal person than an overclock of 2.3ghz with tighter timings.


My best advice is to experiment, and find a happy medium for what you want to do. :)

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when it comes to amd systems low cas latency will only show its speed in benchmarks real world gaming you will se no improvement unless you can tell the difference between 100fps to say 103 fps going to the lowest latencys. any thing cas2 or 2.5 -3-3-7 will give you good performance

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