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Oc'ing Limit


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please see my signiture, if i'm olny able to hit 2.21 gig. w/my processer after tring a number of things, could my m/b be whats holding me down ? :angry:

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

what cooling do you have what vcore what vdimm are the agp/pci freqs locked check your voltages to see if there stable

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I doubt its the mobo holding you back, the nf7 is a gr8 oc'er. Remeber some chips just don't overclock. So you may have found the max for urs. However I thought you cpould get it futher than you have. Seems strange. Try the ram timings to see if you can get a boost. Also upping vcore should get it stable at higher frequencies.

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