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Just Got The Best Deal Ever!


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I just went to a thrift store and here is what I found:

Satellite dish for $3 but they gave it to me for free

2 14in monitors for $5 each

Mountain bike in good condition for $5

Army ammo can for $3 perfect for a modded pc

And I got it all for $18 : D :P



is that an awesome deal or what?

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wow send one of them monitors my way i need one to complete my folding rig at the minute it's just running blindly so to speak

just use a vnc program like tridianvnc. thats what i use on my servers/folding pcs


and the Satellite Dish is a rca.

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how are the monitors....


yeah, thrift stores rule..except here in CA, they have typewriters and clothes :bah:


goodwill in washington i got: A 300mhz computer for $10, but i broke it...$1 cables (usb, svideo, and others), for lan party: 2 macintosh classic, the ones with built in monitors, just for the smashmac event...$10 each...


here i got a monitor for $5, but it didnt work very well, so i got i think $10 credit at another local store for it :lol:


Coulda had some 3ft tall tower speakers (pioneers) for $10 or $20 each, cant remember, there were also many stereo recievers/amps at the washington goodwill...a friend of mine got a serial, ps2 or usb touchpad cant remember which, and another got a trackball the size of my fist :lol:


we bought many computers there....


i miss that store :(

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