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939 Socket. Whats Its Main Purpose?

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The 939 socket is almost here. whats its main purpose? is it for another category of uses or will it be an all around use socket? and should i wait for it at the end of May or go with the standard 64 chip sockets?

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not to be rude or anytinhg.. but the search button is very usefull. expecially if the topic has been covered time and time again.



Edited by roadkill

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Well, since everyone else has a fancy image in this post, I gotta have one too! :P




btw: robAP, I am just joshing, but you can honestly find the answer to this pretty easy with a search. :)

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Guy's let me put it this way...


Be nice to the new members.


For everyone that replied to this thread, you might want to use "SEARCH" and look up the forum rules. :angry:


New members (as well as older members), should be treated with respect (See Rule #2) even if they ask a question that has been answered a thousand times before, simply refer them to the proper thread that answers their question. -- Do not yell at the member to use the search button, this is very disrespectful and can give the site an unwanted reputation. -- Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question if you don't know the answer to it.




robAP - Here are some links that should be useful to you.








There are a lot of rumors as to what the 939-Pin Athlon 64 will offer, but AFAIK nothing has been confermed by AMD. One of the big rumors that are out there is the 939-pin Athlon 64 will allow dual channel DDR. While it's a nice rumor, it's very doubtful that this is true.


The main thing is the 939 will start replacing the 754 by the end of the year... that's not reall a big deal. However if you want to wait, by the end of the year PCI-Express will be out on new motherboards (which will use the 939).


It's really a matter of what you want to do right now. The 754 is good, the 939 looks to be better later on.

Edited by d3bruts1d

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D3's not awake yet :) socket 740? what is that? do you mean socket 754 or socket 940?



and btw that little dead horse comment wasn't meant for robAP directly. it's everyone who fails to use the search feature. this subject has been beaten with a large stick so many times the poor socket 939 "horse" can't take much more :)

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d3bruts1d: thank you for being the only nice guy so far to offer help. i really appreciate it. ive been getting good info so far and am about to make my component decisions.


for the rest of you:

This is the first forum where i'm not one of the few know it alls that didn't need to use the search. I woke up, started my day with coffee, and proceeded to ask questions forgetting that since i dont know anything i should search for it.....well oops. (dave chapelle in half-baked) I'm Sarrraaaayyyyyy!!!


well im tryign to figure things out and learn. yeah im new. yeah ive been out of the PC loop for a longer time than i wanted to.....i WAS building the 486 stuff back in the day of the 486/66Dx2 being the top dawg with a 14.4 modem and grunge was hip. then i got poor after college. couldnt build then. takes many years to generate income where you can play with stuff again in the face of student loans. however i'm back into it now and having fun. i'm trying to get knowlegable again.


im about to drop my entire refund check and build a system for the first time in 10 years. sounds easier than it used to be now cause everything self-recognises what it is and sets it up for you. with every video card or sound card or I/O card you had to set the jumpers correctly so there would be no DMA or IRQ interrupt errors. and without any instruction papers you'd be so lost in plugging it all in that nothing would work and it would all conflict. RAM then was $50 a meg! and 8mb was superhuman. im just trying to now learn if theres any risk of that with various individual components. i guess now days that would be like buying the 333 ram for an 800 bus. cause the $400 1gb drive i bought then was only recognized as a 500 meg cause of the bios. anyway thats old and behind me now.


Part of the problem with the industry being able to rape and pillage our wallets with sub-standard pre-built systems (compaq, people pc, HP, etc.) is cause noone knows anything. Rudely teasing people about their mistakes when they're trying to finally get informed is a sure way to chase people away making sure they dont want to learn anything. are you 12 or something? wanna create a hostile environment? what newbie wants to go to a hostile place and learn there? I almost thought this place held a bunch of A-holes after those first two responses. Why not just let the post die and disappear? responses left it up there.


man, over in the other forums where im a know it all i dont treat people like that. never would. was hoping karma works but i dunno, did it make it over here yet?


so, are you guys gonna tell me to wait for the 939 or what?

wait for pci express or what?

build now or wait?

what parts smoothly match?


those are my Q's for this board. and im researching. gonna help or flame one of the few who no longer wants to buy from dell?


till then ive got a 750 p3 notebook to surf and half-assed game on.

32 meg mobile ati rage video

256 mem



it worked for what i used to need but i need more and want as much of a fire breathing AMD GLITCH-FREE desktop as i can build for $800 <i got the monitor already for free>

Edited by robAP

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Hey man, I didn't mean any harm by it, I'm sorry if I sounded rude. I understand it's exciting to build a new system (especially upgrading from what you have. :P) and I also respect that you want to get some information before spending all your money. So, once again, I hope you didn't judge OCC by that, I truly meant it out of humor more than smite.


Heres an informal link about the 939's: http://www.overclockers.com/tips00533/


If I were you, I'd definately wait and get a motherboard with pci express and a socket 939. For someone who has waited ten years for a new computer, you want to get the best. You want to be able to take advantage of the 90nm chips of the future (they'll overclock like a beast. :P), and the pci-express is going to allow you to upgrade your video multiple times.


Anyway, if you have any more questions, let us know, or send me a pm. :)

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thanks man, i appreciate it.


got this notebook 3 years ago. im not as mobile as i thought i would be even though i fly for a living. i just dont need it next to me that often.


not sure if i can wait till the years end tho.

i wonder how much a 939 pciX mobo will cost when they arrive.

as well as how much the pciX video card will be.

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Actually, I didn't notice your $800 pricetag earlier. While you can get a decent computer for that price, you can't get top-of-the-line. Maybe you should go ahead and buy a socket A now, and get the nicest 2 generation you can. You could get a 2600+ mobile, a DFI lanparty motherboard, about 200gigs of storage, OCZ pc3200 (or greater) ram, and a radeon 9800 pro for that money, and that system would serve you very well. The mobile would allow you to overclock like a beast, the video card will handle all you can throw at it, and the rest of the system is well-rounded.


The socket 939 will obviously be spendy when it first comes out, I just don't know how far $800 will take you. I do know that a system like the above will give you great performance and will be fun to setup (read: overclock).


Check out www.newegg.com for prices.

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