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Nam Or Farcry


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It angers me when people look at it and say, meh BF1942 with updated graphics. The gameplay has changed a lot. Infantry now actually has a purpose. And i like the choppers much more than in DC.

This is a very good point...

BF:V is much diff't than DC in that aspect, is that infantry does serve a purpose now, instead of everyone trying to steal an f16/apachi/etc.....

I too like the choppers, explosions, and sounds of BF:V.....(especially lifting tanks up)

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I'd go for Far Cry if you are into some serious Single Player goodness.


With your setup, Far Cry would look absoultely INSANE!! I have both, and I have to say that BFV is one of the best MP games out, next to Splinter Cell Pandora IMO.


But, if you want SP, Far Cry is AMAZING! THe MP isn't bad, but nothing special.


I'd go for Far Cry just simply for how uberly amazing it is, graphics and gameplay wise.

THis game kinda came out of nowhere, and rocked the gaming world. Ubisoft deserves some props for this accomplishment!

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yea so hard to choose...wish i had the money for both but i think ill be getting nam just for the multiplayer aspect of the game. I like far cry too but single player doesnt keep me in the game for that long(im sure far cry would tho) so ill be heading to pick up nam later today

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Id get spinter cell, i have been playing all three games lately and pandora is the only game i have been constantly wanting to sit down and play. The multiplayer is awesome, and very challanging (if you get in with the right people). Where in BF I have constantly ran in to people who seem to only play to be a dick to you. Example you get a heli and everyone shoots you down on your own team cause they want it. and the none stop complaining really turns me off to that game. Where far cry is awsome single player and multi player is lame (sniper rifle is all you need). but that my 2 cents.

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Where in BF I have constantly ran in to people who seem to only play to be a dick to you. Example you get a heli and everyone shoots you down on your own team cause they want it. and the none stop complaining really turns me off to that game.

Don't blame the game if you have had a bad time on a BF, DC , or BF:V server.....

Its the fault of the ppl who are administering the server....

I rule my server with an "iron fist" ....ppl do something like that and they will get kicked instantly.....then banned if it persists....

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Where far cry is awsome single player and multi player is lame (sniper rifle is all you need). but that my 2 cents.

Umm, i've heard that sniper ammo is limited so anyone that has that ammo won't have it for very long if they use it. Also you are supposed to be able to see sunlight reflecting off their sniper scope, which makes it easier to notice a sniper.

Edited by Trakfast11

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I have to agree with Ryan. I have all three games and Splinter Cell is the one I keep

going back to. It is the most challenging, and the most intense. It gets my vote for best

MP experience of the year!!!

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