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GPU Overheats

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I don't mean 2 degrees off the 71 ,LOL, I mean another few degrees off the standard hyper 212 ! With the aftermarket cooler you should idle at about 35 to 40 degrees on that cpu.

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Hyper 212 evo is great just make sure it will fit your case (it cleared my old thermaltake v3 black by a hair) thats way past hot for idle on a q6600 mine didnt even do that with oc.


Sent from my LGLS770 using Tapatalk

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  • 1 year later...

Spike I installed the Hyper 212, recently; not the best year it's been.  My temps dropped from average 105C to 46C, huge difference in temps.  Although my computer is still freezing when it's on load, so I'm going to make a educated guess and say if the CPU is good & GPU is good then the final issue is my PSU ?


My current PSU is 850 watts and I know it's an old chip, although I did see somewhat a performance boost when CPU temps dropped; unfortunately this box will have to suffice until next year then I'm going all out on upgrades.  If 850 is enough wattage, then the PSU is simply failing; aging ?

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850 is PLENTY.  Although it depends on what PSU you have and how old it is... If it's over 7 years old it could be dying on you.  What are the voltage readouts while at idle and under load?  A tool like HWiNFO can give you this detail.  If some of your voltages are too far out of spec it's a good sign the PSU is either low quality or simply dying.


Plus... if you've been running your CPU at 70-100c for years... There's a good chance it has degraded enough to cause you some issues.

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What voltage info from HWiNFO is needed ?

hey there whitebear, if hwinfo shows tour psu voltages it will show minimum and maximum volts, leave hwinfo open while idle and some load and see what those volts read, if the 12 volt spec goes below 11.4 volts you may have a problem also the 3.3 and 5 volts should not drop very much.

80% of the time if your psu is faulty the pc will just shut itself down, but the other 20% could cause black screens, bluescreens or worst case it can overvolt and take out hardware.

Edited by SpikeSoprano

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That also may be a problem with the video card driver, sometimes the newest is not the best, try uninstalling and reinstall the driver or try an older driver and see what happens, if you have a multymeter you could measure the power output from the psu but you would have to put the pc under load to see if there were any drops in volts. Usually when is it black screening ?

as xenaw0n said if the cpu was running hot for a long peroid of time it may have gottin damaged and would also cause issues, let's hope that is not the case.

Edited by SpikeSoprano

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