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Made some risks in the CPU yellow dots


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I am very curious about that yellow points


"Sometimes solder points are covered up by the silk screening process" you mean some type of coating like varnish? I notice that the pins were brighter in some parts and that it

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After lots and lots of reading about this topic I discovered that Artic Silver 5 is not conductive I seen 2 guys making tests with electric equipment and produced 0 ohms what it is is capacitive ie can transfer electricity between 2 ie metal points but this probability is so miniscule that is not worth considering bc these capacitive propriety of AS 5 is mixed in the grease and is isolated isolator-capacitive-isolator that's why lots and lots of ppl have excess of AS5 in their Cpus and Gpus including in the around pins and nothing happens Artic Silver like other companies is just covering their asses bc they are afraid of going to court its the same as kapton tape lots and lots of ppl before applying thermal paste take of the tape that cover the pins around the cores of Cpus and Cpus (ppl says that these tape is put to protect from thermal paste) but I seen lots of excess of AS5 in Cpus without the tape even in the pins and everything worked well one reason is that processors nowadays are tough bc in every transistors is always flowing electricity and occurring micro short circuits and Cpus have billions of transistors... That is  way today open or with lots of holes PC cases are so popular ppl use the second type of cases and Cpus without kapton tape still works although dust that among other things is composed of human hair ans skin and since we are made moztly of water dust can be conductor but nowdays nothing never happens bc cpus are tough and that probability is minuscule.  Also the infinitesimal small problem of AS5 is not damaging the CPU but produce errors. I also concluded that AS5 is the most used and best thermal paste. Also if ppl are worried that the exess of AS5 in the pins around the Cpu core can pass to he other pins Artic say  "Arctic Silver 5 will not separate, run, migrate, or bleed." and since this thermal paste is been in the market since around 2005 i believe them



Sorry for my english I am from Cristiano Ronaldo country.

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Wow........ what a post.  So much of it was "borrowed" from the huge thread over at OCN.........


OP - all metals are electrically conductive.  Just because the silver particles are suspended in a non-conductive paste formula does not make the silver particles any less conductive.  People have debated this topic for years but the common sense answer remains the same.  Thermal paste belongs between the heatsink and the die, not messed about the traces, pcb, posts or any other places on the cpu itself.  Even if the thermal paste doesn't create an actual short it can still mess up the electrical signaling.

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I'm going jump in and say I've seen what as5 does when it shorts. I bought a motherboard once with water blocks preinstalled on the chipset wnd vrm. The person used as5 on the vrm which Is a no no. Long story short after about a minute under load it caught fire. And the source was were the paste finally made contact with another vrm.

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