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GPU may be crapping out

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Would I benefit from swapping out a agigabyte 7950 windforce with a Geforce 760 4GB card or would it be smarter to go with a r9 280?


Is that extra gb of memory worth the extra money?

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A R9 280 is basically the same performance as a HD 7950. The GTX 760 is between the GTX 660Ti and GTX 670. So the performances will be basically the same with either card that you pick. You really won't see a benefit with the extra 1GB VRAM.


If your Gigabyte HD 7950 still has warranty, why not RMA it?

Edited by El_Capitan

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The xfx is at $200 on newegg right now




Still kind of sucks I have to replace it but oh well. I should still be able to run games on ultra with it no?


Except watch dogs :teehee:


I was able to run watch dogs on my hd 7950 on ultra, and no that wasnt the reason why it's giving me problems because I've been having issues with it before the game came out.

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I don't suppose you have another PSU ready to try out have you?

Or another video card for that matter.


I just have a suspicion that it is not your GPU that is crapping out on you.


Does the sound play when you have a headphone connected? (in case of gaming or watching a video)

If so, then it is definitely your GPU.

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Yeah but last time it went out it sounded like a chainsaw going off then went to a black screen.


That sounds like a lock-up. This could be that any component is not stable, do you have any overclocks going?

This also means it can now be anything in your system that could be potentially faulty.


Try, Intel burn test for CPU (10 loops should be good for now), Memtest for the RAM, OCCT or MSI afterburner for GPU, just to make sure those three parts are stable during load.

If so, you can cross those off your list of potential suspects of being a faulty part.

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