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New R9 270x, bad FPS...

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I can post it this evening, 1800ish EST..


Interestingly, when I was perusing the BIOS options at initial setup, there was an option for manually managing the CPU cores, & when I enabled it, it showed settings available for 6 cores...I switched it back to auto as to prevent any boot issues since I have no documentation for it.


Edit: MoBo is a Biostar A780L3G


And it would seem that there is a BIOS update to enable core unlocking?


I'm pretty green when it comes to overclocking/BIOS tweeking, so advice is both wanted and appreciated.

Edited by StumpFuMaster

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I had a Biostar mb with a phenom dual core that would not unlock any cores, as soon as I put the same cpu in a gigabyte mb it unlocked to 4 cores, imho biostar are not good mb's for unlocking cores. :no:

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My GF has the 3.3ghz version of that same CPU in her rig thats is a few years old and sadly it is a bottleneck in most games. The 4th core on hers won't unlock with her Asus mobo, trying to results in a no POST.


I recently built a semi-budget ITX rig for a friend with an i5 4440(stock cooler and wont be OCing in the tiny ITX case) and a vanilla 270x and the little thing screams! The CPU was definitely more expensive then the AMD options, but the motherboard was cheaper which slightly offset it and it is quite a bit faster then the budget AMD options.

Edited by Puck

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We can try install the new latest mobo chipset driver and reboot.

The new chipset driver and provide a clear better platform for the devices to work on and runs more smoothly.


Also, install the latest driver for the video card next and install all the required hotfix that may comes with the video card disc.


Hope this helps.


Tech Manager, WPTinc.

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Tried your recommendations @PcTestCardouk, saw a slight bump in performance in open world FPS, still having FPS issues in congested areas/Raid environments.


What I can't figure out is how anandtech got such good FPS performance out of the x3 when I can't with a much better video card...unless its a MoBo issue...which it could very well be


I tried unlocking the 4th core, no dice.

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