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GPU upgrade with a twist

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Right now, I have an MSI HD6950 TwinFrozr PE OC basically, the best of the HD6950s offered at the time. The rub is not gaming performance, it's performing just fine for my needs. However, the F@H performance is seriously lacking, newer cards are easily out-performing this card two or three times.


I'm not buying right now, my projected budget will be around $300-$400. I think this puts me in the R9 280x/7970 or GTX 770 cards. My goal is to ultimately get the best card for F@H for the money.

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The cards haven't changed so much but the F@H core has nVidia no longer gets the boost by using cuda, both camps are using OpenCL and AMD does it better. On top of that, the 331 "gaming ready" drivers from nvidia started the trend of reduced compute performance (pure guess here is to cripple them and stop people from using GeForce cards for tasks designed for the Quadro) might not be so bad but unless you have a 780/Titan you're looking at 1/3 the performance as before.


My GTX 670 was an easy 60,000 PPD card when I bought it, now closer to 20,000(well I was going to put a right now estimate with a project number here, but looks like for the last few hours it's been failing to get an assignment wonderful). I of course am not very pleased seeing as I have to choose folding performance or play the newer games I want to play with up to date drivers.  

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 This is all very eye-opening for me, nvidia cards were superior for F@H at the time I bought the HD6950. I understood the advantage was based on the software but, presumed it would stay that way. With that being said, are there any tips to improve production on my current card? I'm running Catalyst 13.8 right now. My GPU clock is currently set at 900, the highest allowed by the driver control panel. I'm willing to clock higher, provided it isn't a total faff.

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If your 6950 is a 2GB version you can try unlocking it to a 6970, mine would unlock shaders but was a little unstable at higher clock speeds.  When I had mine in my server running Server 08 I had to use the FirePro drivers on it as AMD no longer supported the server OS for the card (and none of the drivers would install anyway as nvidia's tend to do) I don't remember the exact PPD boost but seems like it was a little extra from that forced driver change (vs what it was doing in a Win 7 x64 system using then current drivers)




Honestly right now a new AMD card would give you the best PPD, but bitcoin/litecoin/etc miners are buying them up for similar performance on their end so pricing sucks right now (or else a 290/290X would be very attractive to me atm)

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After plenty of tweaking and testing, I decided the best thing was to stay at 900/1300. I kept running into issues trying to go higher than that. An upgrade to a newer card is still due in the next few months. My plan is to wait a bit until the mining fury dies down and the prices return to normal.

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