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if gpu burnt out..............?


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so i have 2 evga gtx 560 ti 448 with 1 year left on warranties

i was wondering with if they were to burn out on me all of the sudden

what wold evga send me......

any thoughts

p.s. this is all hypothetical lets call it a thought experiment  

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If the 2 went out at the same time I think you might have a problem, they would relate it to a mb or psu probblem which would void the warranty.

ps- this reply is just hypothetical of course . :no:  Now if one was to die they would most likeky send you a 760.

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Considering evga still had GTX 260s in stock as of a month ago in B-Stock I would feel pretty confident that unless they've had higher than normal fail rates on those cards that they still have a few refurbs around just waiting on the "oops my card died 1 month from warranty end" rush. 


Then again when my 7900GT died they sent me a 7950GT back...that one was my fault btw...stupid heatsink pulled off a memory chip when I was removing the water cooling...yep super glue the chip back in place and RMA :)

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i was just curious lol

ive got $300 put away for new gpu plus i am actively trying to sell my current gpu's

i myself have become very tired of gpu hopping

last year alone in this order 7950 , gtx , 680  , gtx 470 sli  , 7850 xfire to my current set up of the 560ti 448 sli     i think i got nyrdr beat lol

thinking of gtx 780ti or 270x xfire  and being done for a while

Edited by jdm_freek

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They have taken good care of me with a pair of my 480's so im sold on there customer service regardless.


Put it this way, They take care of there clientel. If you have an sli setup they are going to try and get you back to that sli setup and if they cant I would guess, and only guess, that they would ask you to send in both for replacement.

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