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4770K at 4.8ghz 24/7 safe?


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Hi all, I reach 4.8Ghz with my 4770K yesterday, with a custom liquid cooling loop. I run it at 1.360v, my question is:


Is it safe for 24/7 uses?


When I stress Test with prime 95 my temps never go higher than 84degree, and will gaming at BF4 for example  I never go higher than 70degree



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"Safe" is subjective when you're overclocking and often comes down to whatever the owner is willing to risk if things go south.  With that being said you shouldn't have any issues with your current cpu voltage or your current temps.  They look good.


Nice job on the overclock.  Is your 4770K naked or still running with the IHS attached?

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I'm going to go with no? 1.36v is a good amount of extra heat/ voltage .I would just warn that anything over 1.3v will lower the CPU life by a good amount and I believe and 1.4v is the limit. I'll have to look it up again to make sure .


Edit: the temps do look better than intel cooler @ stock lol. I would be a little concerned about the voltage but 1.36v is doable.

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personally, I'm not screwing around with anything above 1.3v, so i can't speak on how safe it is. What i can say, is that those temps are very good for that kind of voltage. I can't help but be curious as to how hard you'd be able to push it without the IHS. Not entirely sure but, would 4.8ghz at 1.36v put your cpu in the upper 25 percentile 4770k? anybody know?

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removing the IHS is only going to lower the temps . it will not help with the voltage and 4.8ghz is about the limit of haswells now. I'm sure someone pushed it further but you will hit a point where the voltage can't go higher without killing the chip.

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removing the IHS is only going to lower the temps . it will not help with the voltage and 4.8ghz is about the limit of haswells now. I'm sure someone pushed it further but you will hit a point where the voltage can't go higher without killing the chip.



That's not true at all - the reduction in heat usually lowers voltage requirements.

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yeah but not always. still you can only put so much voltage before the chip just won't go any faster. that's what I was saying.


let assume removing the IHS lowers the voltage required because less heat . 4.8ghz is still near the limit of Haswell without going to the extreme .

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I wouldn't run my own Haswell (or even Ivy Bridge) at 1.36v for 24/7 - but the nod I gave above was based on feedback and conversations with two well respected "OC" pros elsewhere.  Well, at least I respect them  :) 

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