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GTX 780 sli affecting 4770k temps?


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Hey guys. First post here. Even though i've lurked here for about 5 years, I finally have a system I'm proud of. That obviously comes with headaches sometimes so here goes: I have 2 EVGA superclocked, acx cooled 780's in SLI. Ever since I installed them, my cpu idle temp has jumped about 10c. If i run IBT i hit 90c at load after 5 min, but PRIME95 only bumps it to about 70c as does AIDA64. Unfortunately, the Z87 sabertooth i have them in, only has pci-e 3 in the top two x16 slots. The bottom x16 slot runs at pci-e 2.0. First, could i install the second card in the bottom-most PCI slot and maintain performance even though its 2.0? I may not have enough room between cards. This post is all over the place i know, but basically, is my SLI setup affecting my cpu temps? I have two more fans ready to install to add "push" to my h100i "pull" setup. Will this help? Any suggestions would be appreciated. THX alot guys


Forgot to mention. Idle temps are around 33-35c

Edited by beastineden

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Well, having an sli set-up does affect your temps in the case, and as a result, other components are going to run hotter.


IBT is not a reliable stress testing program as it stresses the cores way to much.

Your cpu will never reach those temps and stress so just keep with the temps of prime95, which are 70c, which is fine by my standards.


On the subject of pci-e 2.0 vs 3.0, the difference would be literally 1 to 2 fps MAX, if even that.

If you place the card further apart it could affect your temps and *may* give lower temps, but no guarantee it will.

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Well having an sli set-up does affect your temps in the case, and as a result, other components are going to run hotter.


IBT is not a reliable stress testing program as it stresses the cores way to much.

Your cpu will never reach those temps and stress so just keep with the temps of prime95, which are 70c, which is fine by my standards.


On the subject of pci-e 2.0 vs 3.0, the difference would be literally 1 to 2 fps MAX, if even that.

If you place the card further apart it could affect your temps and *may* give lower temps, but no guarantee it will.

I agree 100% with ww, the only thing he didn't add was to try the push pull config, it may drop the cpu temps, if it don't go back to 1 fan, as he said forget IBT and go with the prime temps which are good imho.

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Thanks alot guys I appreciate it. I figured if Prime and AIDA were pushing my cpu to 70 and no more, it would make for a better baseline. @War Weeny, I think i'm willing to exchange a couple frames for a 5c dip wherever/if possible :). @Spike. I have the fans, may as well see what gives right? If the change isn't significant I'd rather save the power and stick with what I've got. 

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Thanks alot guys I appreciate it. I figured if Prime and AIDA were pushing my cpu to 70 and no more, it would make for a better baseline. @War Weeny, I think i'm willing to exchange a couple frames for a 5c dip wherever/if possible :). @Spike. I have the fans, may as well see what gives right? If the change isn't significant I'd rather save the power and stick with what I've got. 


If you have everything on stock settings, you could also try to lower the vcore of the cpu to decrease the temps.

Most of the time, the cpu can run fine with a lower vcore, my i5 for example can run on stock settings at 0.87 vcore.

Which is pretty amazing lol.


Same goes for the gpu's in your system.


If the push/pull config doesn't work out as you hoped for, you might put those fans in the case instead for a good airflow.

Airflow *can* decrease temps ranging from 5c to 10c, if done correctly.

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Thanks alot guys I appreciate it. I figured if Prime and AIDA were pushing my cpu to 70 and no more, it would make for a better baseline. @War Weeny, I think i'm willing to exchange a couple frames for a 5c dip wherever/if possible :). @Spike. I have the fans, may as well see what gives right? If the change isn't significant I'd rather save the power and stick with what I've got. 


If you have everything on stock settings, you could also try to lower the vcore of the cpu to decrease the temps.

Most of the time, the cpu can run fine with a lower vcore, my i5 for example can run on stock settings at 0.87 vcore.

Which is pretty amazing lol.


Same goes for the gpu's in your system.


If the push/pull config doesn't work out as you hoped for, you might put those fans in the case instead for a good airflow.

Airflow *can* decrease temps ranging from 5c to 10c, if done correctly.


GPU's are factory OC'ed at 966mHz or close to it. GPU temps are OK they idle at around 28c. I haven't furmarked yet. Though furmark seems to be similar to IBT as it kinda overstresses your GPU. I OC'ed my 4770k to 4.3 at 1.23w. Its a pretty inefficient OC though as i haven't had the time to avoid the quick and dirty method but it is stable. I can def push it to 4.6 but that would take me to around 1.28w. I'm not benchmarking so I'm fine where i am. I'm wondering though. Being that i have a 2x780's in SLI, Thats a pretty powerful punch, so if i drop my OC to around 4.0, stock is 3.9 so theoretically i could probably lower my vcore to under 1.2 and see some solid stability. The fps i lose in CPU freq. reduction should be more than made up for by the 780 setup. Is that correct? in theory at least?

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Thanks alot guys I appreciate it. I figured if Prime and AIDA were pushing my cpu to 70 and no more, it would make for a better baseline. @War Weeny, I think i'm willing to exchange a couple frames for a 5c dip wherever/if possible :). @Spike. I have the fans, may as well see what gives right? If the change isn't significant I'd rather save the power and stick with what I've got. 


If you have everything on stock settings, you could also try to lower the vcore of the cpu to decrease the temps.

Most of the time, the cpu can run fine with a lower vcore, my i5 for example can run on stock settings at 0.87 vcore.

Which is pretty amazing lol.


Same goes for the gpu's in your system.


If the push/pull config doesn't work out as you hoped for, you might put those fans in the case instead for a good airflow.

Airflow *can* decrease temps ranging from 5c to 10c, if done correctly.


GPU's are factory OC'ed at 966mHz or close to it. GPU temps are OK they idle at around 28c. I haven't furmarked yet. Though furmark seems to be similar to IBT as it kinda overstresses your GPU. I OC'ed my 4770k to 4.3 at 1.23w. Its a pretty inefficient OC though as i haven't had the time to avoid the quick and dirty method but it is stable. I can def push it to 4.6 but that would take me to around 1.28w. I'm not benchmarking so I'm fine where i am. I'm wondering though. Being that i have a 2x780's in SLI, Thats a pretty powerful punch, so if i drop my OC to around 4.0, stock is 3.9 so theoretically i could probably lower my vcore to under 1.2 and see some solid stability. The fps i lose in CPU freq. reduction should be more than made up for by the 780 setup. Is that correct? in theory at least?



If you are going to stress test the gpu's, go with heaven 4.0, and let it run for an hour or so to see what temps you are going to get.


As for the overclock on the cpu, it is not really necessary.

Even at stock speeds, it would probably not give you a performance hit, and if it does, it wouldn't be noticeable.

The only numbers you see decreasing are benchmark numbers like 3dmark11 and vantage for example, in real world performance and gaming you wont notice a thing.


Personally, if temperature was my number one priority, i would have left everything at stock/factory clocks and decreasing voltages on the cpu and gpu to get the best possible temps.

The system wont be bottle-necked by any components as far as i can see, even with everything on stock/factory clocks.

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Sounds good. I think I'll load optimized presets on the mobo and lower my vcore to something for power efficiency. Same for the gpu's. Temps are definitely my number one priority. Performance is awesome but like i said, I'm not trying to break records. Once the Witcher 3 optimal requirements are revealed I'll take it up a notch again lol

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Sounds good. I think I'll load optimized presets on the mobo and lower my vcore to something for power efficiency. Same for the gpu's. Temps are definitely my number one priority. Performance is awesome but like i said, I'm not trying to break records. Once the Witcher 3 optimal requirements are revealed I'll take it up a notch again lol


I doubt the witcher 3 needs two GTX780 lol.

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even at 2560x1440? lol ubersampling on? 


Ok, got me there :P


Ubersampling might be a bit much at 2560x1440, but why would you enable it when you are already playing at such a high resolution?

Jaggies will be a thing of the past at 2560x1440 if you monitor is anything decent, so ubersampling isn't really needed imo.


And i still think two GTX780 could take ubersampling like a baws, maybe not solid 60fps, but playable for sure.

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even at 2560x1440? lol ubersampling on? 


Ok, got me there :P


Ubersampling might be a bit much at 2560x1440, but why would you enable it when you are already playing at such a high resolution?

Jaggies will be a thing of the past at 2560x1440 if you monitor is anything decent, so ubersampling isn't really needed imo.


And i still think two GTX780 could take that like a baws, maybe not solid 60fps, but playable for sure.


i hear you. As far as the monitor is concerned. I have one of the korean 2560x1440 joints on the way. I plan to OC at around 100hz. Hopefully i get a 100% dead-pixel-free panel and can get the fps to 60 and above for most games. I actually never thought about 2560x1440 eliminating jaggies. makes alot of sense

Edited by beastineden

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