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need help overclockin 4770k


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My hardware:

Gigabyte z87x ud4h

Antec kuhler 920

Ocz extreme series 500

Patriot vipor xtreme 1866

His hd7770




Im stable at 4700 with voltage at 1.25 but temps are a bit high. Where can I find some references to determine a starting point to go lower on my vcore so I dont have to do so much testing. Also wondering if I need to change any of the settings such as lod line calibration and other voltage controls to extreme or will the board do it itself in auto.

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I kinda worded that wrong. Im still going to test I was trying to avoid say dropping the vcore to say 1.2, then 1.21, 1.22, etc and work

may way up if I new i could start at 1.23. I do have a question about my temps. If my vcore temps are reaching 92c to 95c but my water temp is only 38c does that mean my water cooler isnt good enough? If so would i benefit from better fans than the stock antec fans?also are my sensors maybe not acurate and I need to use a thermometer to check my ambient temp and adjust with real temp?

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Actually the size of the die and the transistor count not to mention the on die VRM make these kinds of scenarios a reality. This is the norm when you start clocking Haswell.  The 920 is going to be marginal for anything over 1.15 to 1.20v. I run a full on water setup on mine with voltages of up to 1.32v and I can throttle the chips by using a higher voltage. I still get load temps in the mid to high 90's at 4.5 to 4.7Ghz. 


I have one that will do as high as 4.8 benchmark stable and one that is a 4.6 Ghz bench stable chip yet runs 4.55 Prime 95 stable. 


First set your voltage manually to 1.20v then raise the core multiplier to 46 with the cache or ring ratio set to 39. If you can boot into windows then count yourself lucky as you have a chip with a good beginning. If it boots then try running some stability programs to see how stable it is. Some use Linpack others use prime 95. The Aida64 stress test is not a valid test since that can be stable and you will still crash when running something more stressfull such as video encoding. 


If if crashes your two options are to lower the multiplier and retest or raise the voltage to the core.  Wash rinse then repeat until you get a clock speed that is stable and works with your cooling solution. 


To much Tim is as bad as to little but the 920's mounting is almost fool proof. 

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i ran prime 95 at 4.7 with vcore at 1.25 again because i only ran it for 15 minutes the first time with the stock fans. i bought a twin pack of corsair sp120's and the water temp is down to 35 will testing and core temps dropped about 7 degrees. it failed after about 30 minutes. i dropped to 4.6 and left the voltage at 1.25 and was stable for 3 hours before stopped the test cause i ran out of time. im gonna start it again before i go to bed and let it run all night. the temps started out at 68-71c and peaked at 95c on the second round of tests then dropped to 65-68c for the rests of the test it ran in 3 hours. ive never noticed that peak on the second round of tests on other rigs ive tested. maybe because i never tested a haswell or ivy bridge before and the spike wasn't as big. ill try 4.7 and 4.8 later on but im gonna dial in 4.6 for now. i'll try changing the ring ratio to 39 too to see if that helps.

Edited by rieds

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4.6GHZ with 4770k is very good speed, don't think you'll be able to reach 4.7-4.8 simply because your temps will be to high (the haswells runs very hot even with a AIO WC). Your temps of 68-71C (full stress), are good, personally not recommend go over 75C by core. 

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the batch code is L310B492. the corsair fans I got weren't pwm and they were a bit noisy. nothing most people couldn't live with. so I took them back and got some noctua NF-F12's. there only 22db(A) at full speed1500MRS. these are awesome fans. I can leave the water cooler on the extreme setting all the time and you cant hear them. and they actually brought my temps down another 4 degrees. so now im down 11 degrees from the stock fans. im at 64-67c runnin prime 95 except that second round of tests where it peaks at 91c. they were a little pricey but well worth the money.  

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I tried for 4.8 at 1.32 volts but it wasnt happening. Made it through 5 rounds of the 448k before it crashed. Prolly would have got to hot anyway. Went back to 4.6 and dropped to 1.20v. Its been runnin for 30 minutes. Hopefully its stable.

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