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Msi 770 Gtx Twin Frozr. Max boost only 1136mhz.

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I am worried , why my card is boosting max 1136mhz . No matter what temps i have. Like 68C or 75+C i get the same boost 1136mhz. With fan like 44-48% and 1350 RPM.
I know 8 ( examples ) peoples with the same card, and they had the same stock boost on 770 Twin F - 1162mhz. ( without using Msi Gaming app )

I am only had 1136mhz. Maybe something wrong is? Maybe because of drivers? I had 320.08 installed.

Here are temps:
When i hit 78C on Crysis 3 i have :67 TDP
When 71C on BF3 i have : 57 TDP

Here is:


Max boost 1162mhz max. I have 1136mhz.

Anyone else have any ideas on why my card seems to be the only GTX 770 out there that only boost to its set speed? I know technically, this is how it is supposed to work, but it just seems like my card has no ambition to go higher like all the others out there.

Now every single person I have talked to with a GTX 770 Twin Frozr has showed that during gaming or benching that their card will boost over the set default boost speed. All users I have talked to with a Twin Frozr card said, at stock clocks, their card actaully boosted over the default boost speed to 1163 Mhz during a run through of the Heaven benchmark or any games. This is without changing any settings in Afterburner and leaving all OC options at default.


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Different cards have different overclocking capabilities. So don't be concerned. :)

And please also mention which PSU, processor & motherboard you are using in your rig.

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Boost speeds are not guaranteed. They are a function of the thermal load and power load and boost differently in games.  If your settings are moved to the low end then you may see a higher boost clock speed. The factory boost clock is 1150Mhz on this card. Run several different tests with MSI Afterburner open with the logging window detached and expanded so you can see a longer time frame on the base and boost clocks. It may be that the games you play will not give you that higher boost clock. 

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Ok guys, i have now really last question and i dont disturb you ok? Please answer, and we just can close topic.

I want to know about only one thing now and that's all.

My stock boost sometimes lowering  to 1084 mhz when dips 80C . Its not bad? Default BOOST CLOCK in GPUZ are : 1110mhz.

In Metro LL sometimes i am getting lower boost  ( reason - temps ), than guaranteed in GPUZ .Should i expect always that minimum boost  from GPUZ ( 1110mhz )?
.What you think? Something is really wrong if sometimes i dont have that "minimum" 1110mhz boost  like GPU-Z said? This BOOST clock 1110mhz should be always guaranteed or not?   OK but i must have some expectations on new bought card, yes?

Card must get some clocks, that newer goes down. I pay money for that speed what say specification yes?              Please explain me last time.   
Gpu default is : 1059 mhz ( i had always higher than this values in games )

 But my framerates are always stable.


Edited by litwicki22

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Ok guys, i have now really last question and i dont disturb you ok? Please answer, and we just can close topic.


I want to know about only one thing now and that's all.




My stock boost sometimes lowering  to 1084 mhz when dips 80C . Its not bad? Default BOOST CLOCK in GPUZ are : 1110mhz.


In Metro LL sometimes i am getting lower boost  ( reason - temps ), than guaranteed in GPUZ .Should i expect always that minimum boost  from GPUZ ( 1110mhz )?

.What you think? Something is really wrong if sometimes i dont have that "minimum" 1110mhz boost  like GPU-Z said? This BOOST clock 1110mhz should be always guaranteed or not?   OK but i must have some expectations on new bought card, yes?

Card must get some clocks, that newer goes down. I pay money for that speed what say specification yes?              Please explain me last time.   

Gpu default is : 1059 mhz ( i had always higher than this values in games )


 But my framerates are always stable.




If you read my post you would have a base understanding. You are seeing thermal throttling most likely. Boost speeds are not a guarantee they are best case when the power loading and temperature limits are not reached.


First off what what are your system specs including the case and how many fans are in it. If you are just recycling the thermal load in the chassis then that is why you are seeing this. Also in Afterburner you can raise or lower the thermal limits before you see throttling. Look for the arrow beside the voltage control and click it to open up the temperature limits. Then raise it as high as it goes, 94 to 95C if memory serves me correctly. then re run your tests. My boost speeds were consistent in the review of that card that I did, but I also am in a 74F room with a well ventilated chassis.

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