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Optical SPDIF Out Port to Headset mixamp - Help!


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I recently purchased the ASRock 990FX Extreme 3 motherboard, partly because it has an optical port and I want to use my Astro 5.8 Mixamp with my computer.

I plug in the optical cable from the rear panel of the mobo to my mixamp and it's only incredibly crackly!  If I press down on the fiber cable going into the mixamp I can hear a small amount of PC sound, but not much.  This would make my believe it's the Mixamp.. but when I use the mixamp with my Xbox, no problems at all.

Is my Fiber Optic port busted or is there a type of driver I can use to cure it?


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Have anything else like an amp that can receive optical in? If do test with that and if you get the same crackling contact asrock.


One other thing check what your sound output is you may be experiencing clipping other than that I am out of idea a clean reinstall of drivers wouldn't hurt.

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Some Optical cables are made cheap and if they get bent they will distort the light waves which will cause data curruption. Like if your playing around with the cable and you hear noise out of the speakers.


So you can away try a different cable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well my first thought was that it was the cable.  The movement of the singular cable doesn't seem to make any difference.

Besides, it works perfectly fine with my xbox, no cutting or anything. 

Personally, it seems like the Fiber Optic port may be transmitting a weak signal.

Is this a plausible idea? 

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