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is a 5.2 surround system better than a 5.2?


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Omnidirectional means there is no directionality. :P

omnidirectional means it emits in all directions 360 degrees, so no matter which one of those 360 points your standing at you will have a location detection.


Probably not. I have 12" drivers in my mains (ported to 40 Hz) that blend seamlessly with the subwoofer. :lol: If I didn't have it on you'd still probably think it was on just because the output it can do without it is still pretty massive. :teehee:

we will have to agree to disagree on this one.


In response to stoner, I couldn't tell you if there actually is or isn't content out there sold to consumers that are 5.2 , or 7.2. I have never really looked. There are definately recievers that are. And I think for the most part most of the content you would find that is would be comercial custom stuff for things like amusment rides etc, were they use the extra sub channel to drive sub sonic drivers for replicating like say and earthquake, or the bass shakers to shake seats in a theather. As far as blu ray and such with those audio tracks that act like that, i would imagine would be hard to find, but i have also never tried so who knows there could be something out there.


To truely be nondirection you would have to be an equidistance from several devices that emitted the same thing at the same time so that all of it hit you at the same time and then you couldn't tell were it came from. the only thing i could relate in real life to be nondirectional, would be the earth and nature, and everything around you. all of the resonate frequencies emitted buy trees and leaves and the ground or the 4 walls of a room, the noise floor of your room, or a car. Thats what I would classify as nondirectional sound. even then highly sensitive mic arrays could be used to determine a location of those frequencies as well, the military i believe is testing or employs some such equipment to determine the location of gun fire more acruately.


I realize is semantics(sp?) and I understand your points and agree. I'm just saying when someone talks about a sub and it not having a direction isn't actually correct, and the proper term should be omnidirectional. It's like when you goto the store and tell em you want a device that plugs into your car and your ipod so you can hear it over a radio station, alot of people refer to them as FM Modulators, but they are actually FM transmitters, or Frequency Modulation Transmitters.


To finish up with this thread I believe the question was why 5.2 is better then 5.1 even though it don't say that. I gave my scenarios on why it is better, or why it could be better, based on content wether it exsists or not. The abilitiy to add more information to a subject is always better, the more data that can be processed the batter. It's with everything, why is 1080p better then 720p, more information, more pixels in that case. That was my point.

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omnidirectional means it emits in all directions 360 degrees, so no matter which one of those 360 points your standing at you will have a location detection.

If you are too close to the subwoofer, sure, but if you have everything set up correctly it should be very hard if not impossible to tell where the subwoofer is.

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