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Crossfire 6870 of GTX 580 SC


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Hi im new here, what is better crossfire 6870 or single GTX 580 SC? how about the power consumption?




Edited by arrowss

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A single GTX 580 is a bit slower on overall averages but two HD 6870's will sometimes have issues, like lower MIN FPS, microstutter, AMD driver dependency (a negative to most people), and higher heat and noise output (though with the HD 6870's, it'll probably be quieter). I had two overclocked HD 6870's in Xfire, and I could see the microstutter and lower MIN FPS. Something I could not see with two overclocked GTX 460 1GB's in SLI (and never with a single card). I still have a GTX 580 (great overclocker), so you know what this guy ended up with.


Power consumption, they're about equal, but the HD 6870's in Xfire just a bit more ~40W's.

Edited by El_Capitan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually most of the people get dricer issues with the crossfire drivers i think you can buy it because its price now to steep sure go for it

but if considering you can go also but considering the 2xhd6870 is 340$ approx and 580 for 380$ i will think go for the

next gen gtx 670 its most performance for your money and without driver issues

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