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GPU Upgrade Advice


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Just need some advice on whether or not to upgrade my GPUs and if so to what. Right now running a 3570k @4.5ghz with 2x6850s in crossfirex. I play mainly Guild Wars 2 right now and will be playing Borderlands 2 when it comes out tomorrow.

Lately I've really been leaning towards getting a 660ti (prob MSI power edition) or a 670 (prob Gigabyte windforce).

My main concern here is that my current set up is too CPU centered, and I'm not getting the type of performance that I could with a newer card.

Also Crossfire is a pain the a$$. There is always an issue with something whether it be drivers or profiles.

Will def OC the card if I get a new one - but dont want to upgrade if the performance increase will be minimal.


Thanks in advance for any thoughts/advice.

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I would upgrade just to get away from the Crossfire problems. A 660ti should run everything you need, especially when overclocked. However, I must say that I have been wanting a 670 for a long time (aka if you can, go for it).


I'm guessing performance would see about a 20-30% increase going that route.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you overclocking your 6850's?


While a GTX 660Ti will be great enough for Borderlands 2 and Guild Wars 2, it's too overpriced at around $300. At that price, you can get an HD 7950. A little extra, you can find some good used GTX 670's or HD 7970's.


If you go Nvidia, definitely get another Nvidia card dedicated to PhsyX if you want that extra eye candy.

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The 6850s should have little to improve on, I'd overclock them both as far as they'll go. Is there anything they're having trouble for you?? I highly doubt there's much they'd be bogged down by unless they're memory limited.

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