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Please Help Fan not moving properly


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First of all I want to say that I'm used to disarm PC and clean it totally.


Well I have a rear Thermaltake FAN..



... Well I try to move it with fingers and is not fluently moving so the motor inside is not moving it aswell..


I'm expecting some ideas before try to disarm it..


ps: I was going to say this was working properly but im not 100% sure. As it is in rear of PC I haven't really checked it....

Edited by loco_frags

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What do you mean by disarm it ?<BR>Take the side off the pc , turn the pc on and see if it is pluged in and spinning.<BR>If it is not spinning and it is pluged in and there is nothing stopping the blades from spining the motor is shot and replace it.<BR>You disarm a gun not a pc fan.

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Have you tried peeling back the label and putting a drop of oil (household oil or WD-40) on the bearing and giving it a spin by hand?

That is what I did... now seems that is ok =)


But it never happened me with other previous coolers

Once I cleaned another coolers that way.. they were working ok but just not 100%

But this one was as blocked as I moved with finger and inmediately i remove finget it stops.... now I make it move and it keeps rotating for 3hs +/-

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That is what I did... now seems that is ok =)


But it never happened me with other previous coolers

Once I cleaned another coolers that way.. they were working ok but just not 100%

But this one was as blocked as I moved with finger and inmediately i remove finget it stops.... now I make it move and it keeps rotating for 3hs +/-


Hi, loco_frags,

Keep an eye on that fan. If it doesn't work properly even once more, replace it with a new fan.

I find that when fans play up, they don't last very long.

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Hi, loco_frags,

Keep an eye on that fan. If it doesn't work properly even once more, replace it with a new fan.

I find that when fans play up, they don't last very long.


+1, the oil trick usually justs quiets a noisy fan down, if it froze up it will not last much longer, I would'nt trust it.

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For sure. From now on I'll take a look on it... Perhaps it was not working properly before I disarm PC for the cleaning. Luckyly the motor didn't burn because of the "streght" to move it and no response from the fan.


Well so Now system is working properly.. mainly I disarming because CPU was hitting 80ºC under load which is not normal. Is winter and inside my house due to ambient tem max temp under load is 59-60ºC.. so all is ok now :thumbsup:


Thank you! all

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That problem was solved however as I said I disarmed PC because of CPU .. it was 80ºC with load, dust and no-removing since 2 year (since bought).

Now after dust-clean, thermal paster applied! is 84ºC under load... crap this is bad.. this is very bad...


This happens me for not storing previous readings.. perhaps is not bad..

I used to play 2 instances of an MMO but I let CPU runs at 1.6ghz since I use ASUS AISuite and I don't really need 3ghz using tha game, then run at 47ºC with fan at 1500rpm.

But when I have the same 2 instances of the game and Normal speed (or performance mode) 3.06ghz FAN 1900RPM is going 84ºC... ill try with BF3 to compare...


Perhaps any of you have an Inten i7 950 3ghz and can tell me if 84ºC under load with 20-23ºC ambient (i guess) is ok....

System temperature is 29ºC but processor 84ºC.. Im sure never before saw even 80ºC... max was 88 with prime 95 and then I shut it down. ^^

Edited by loco_frags

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84c dose seem like a high temp for just a gameing load , what type of cpu cooler are you using?

Normal INTEL stock.. but I did this TONS of times never read a review or something on how much Themal Paste should be added. To be sincere with you when I armed it .. I said .. "hmmm this looks like too creamy.. nvm lets go". I think i exxaggerated with the paste... I'll remove and do it again..

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