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PCIe Graphics Card Incompatible with PCIe?


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So I managed to pick up a couple GTX 275s for some SLI action.


I'm running a P67A-UD4-B3. When I install one of my cards, everything works fine - drivers install, everything works like a breeze.


When I install the 2nd card, it is not detected. Troubleshooting, I tried putting the 2nd card into the 1st slot to see if it runs on its own. Strangely, there's no video, though Windows actually boots (I can hear the booting sound).


I think to myself, "ok maybe it's DOA" and prepare to return the card.


Today, I try it on my other rig (running an ASUS P6T Deluxe), and the card works! Drivers install correctly and everything too.


I know it's not a PSU problem, as I have Corsair 750W/850W power supplies in both computers. And I tested the voltages on the P67 one as well.


So dare I say, the card is incompatible with my board?

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well you know slot one works and you don't get video and it's also the same type of card GTX 275 than I gonna go with a bad card.


edit: Maybe you forgot to plug the power into it? or maybe it wasn't seated all the way? The only time a card has come back from the dead for me was one of those two.

Edited by hornybluecow

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So neither card works in the second slot or only one of the cards doesn't work in the second slot?


Maybe theres an issue with that PCI lane?


Maybe you should be RMAing the mobo and not the card if you know it works...

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So neither card works in the second slot or only one of the cards doesn't work in the second slot?


Maybe theres an issue with that PCI lane?


Maybe you should be RMAing the mobo and not the card if you know it works...


The working card works in both slots, so I know it's not the motherboard

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This is wierd...an interesting problem you got there. I'd go with "not fully seated" or with "forgot to plug PCI-E power" or...I don't know, could be anything. This is a very unique situation, we can guess all day long, but I don't think we'll nail it.

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An added detail - the card that supposedly 'doesn't work' spins at max fan speed during times when it actually doesn't work. So I know it's not a monitor or video cable problem either.


Fan spins normally when it runs on my other rig though -_-

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