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Stablizing this F*%(*$( overclock.

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ok, i'v been at this for months and I am completey frusted with this now...


I'v been putting computers togeather for years now, but eather i'v gotten old and can't do this one or I'v been offically classifed as a newb again... X,x


I put this computer togeather for myself about a year ago now and I can't get this board to stablize. today BFBC2 CTD on me again but this time the whole system reset...i'v been trying to stablize this for way too long and it just won't do it. so i'v shelved my pride and am asking for help on this one.




CPU: AMD phenom X6 1100T @ 4ghz

Memory: corsair dominater DHX pro 4X4GB @ 1600mhz

Video: AMD Radeon HD 6990 Graphics card

Motherboard: ASUS Crosshair V formula

Power supply: Corsair 850W modular power supply


Water cooling setup: Pump/res -> 240mm rad -> CPU -> 140mm rad -> video card -> begining


Temps on CPU /Video/Motherboard

Cpu:43c-45c Video 38c-50c motherboard 30c-35c



Dram: 1.662v

CPU:1.562v, CPU/NBV 1.300, CPUVDDA: 2.5v.

north bridge: 1.1v, NB/HT:1.2v

southbridge: 1.13


now the frist thing that though me for a loop was the options in the board! this asus board has everything in it! everything from the old 1990's boards and alot of new stuff. It was the new stuff that though me out in the wind with this board. half the stuff i didn't even regonize with this one.


Now the issue with this is i'v got it about 90% stablized for anything from 3Ghz on the cpu all the way up to 4.5ghz... but i can't seam to get that last 10% Cpu burn-in tests run fine. GFX tests run fine. memory checks out...but every time i game for more then 3 hours that system become unstable and i can't figure out WHAT the . is happing...so after months of fighting with it i'v turned to the fourms....hopefully some of you guys can help me...


The only thing i'm trying to overclock is the CPU to 4ghz. that's it.

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ok, so i tried your program and am running prime95 right now @ 3200mhz, but it's not adjusting the voltage though the program like it said it would. It is still running at 1.332v even though i have it set to 1.4 or even 1.45 on CPU vid. I can still adjust it though my ROG cable but i thought i would let you know. al post back with my results.

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Try raising the northbridge voltage. You are at its factory voltage so i would go ahead and try raising that and doing stability tests to verify. Do you know what kind of temps are occurring when the system begins malfunctioning. And please describe the malfunction if you will.

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Well that article seems to of done it. it's not even hic-uping on Microsoft flight simulator X that my computer wouldn't even run for 5 minutes without crashing :)


Will post back if it has any problems. thanks El_Capitan.


@ IVIYTH0S, al try pushing it tomarrow for ya to let you know how high i can get it now thanks for el_capitan's help

Edited by wolfrages

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Well that article seems to of done it. it's not even hic-uping on Microsoft flight simulator X that my computer wouldn't even run for 5 minutes without crashing :)


Will post back if it has any problems. thanks El_Capitan.


@ IVIYTH0S, al try pushing it tomarrow for ya to let you know how high i can get it now thanks for el_capitan's help

Nice, glad it was useful. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

ok, so now a new problem has come up that am sure is chip-set overheating. I'v had this problem before on a old 478 P4 build, just replaced the north bridge cooler and everything fixed itself.


Now i'll be gaming for 30 minutes to a few hours and then the system just hardlocks. no BSOD, no crash. just freeze. with the sound looping from what ever was happening at the time.


Now this could be that the chip-set is being over tasked and needs a voltage boost or I think it could be heat related.


So two questions.

One: what should I raise for voltage boost to the chip-set?

Two: Are these boards prone to heat problems on the chip-set? (I never changed the original paste, god I hope you guys don't ask me that. the board will be a pain in the butt to pull out with that watercooling XO )


PS: Yes I have AS5 handy

Edited by wolfrages

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ok so just wanted to let you know I think I solved the problem and it's been running stable.


Ok, so my system was still doing it's freeze in stress testing and games after a few hours. So I turned to just ruling out one thing at a time. I noticed my vcore was drooping by almost .05v from 1.45v and I didn't like that. So I was going to cut out ram, video, nothbridge, heat and work on just getting my CPU 100% stable. I put a huge, noisey 2 foot by 2 foot room fan that blows like 500 cfm's of air next to my computer. I cut my ram down to 1066fsb from 1600fsb, I Made sure my 6990 was running stock (I always run stock on video) and bumped up the CPU/NB to 1.45v (from 1.3) and vDDR to 1.2 (from 1.1) also killed my CPU/NB FSB from 2600fsb to 2000fsb


The theroy being was that I would keep upping and downing voltages tell my CPU was 100% rock solid on voltage and completey ruled out as a problem with running running at 4ghz (I had even bumbed it down to 3.9 for the first test). Then I could move on to my ram, then NB


I was working with the DIGI system on my crosshair V and it worked for stabilizing the vcore droop, but I was fighting with heat now as the digi system was putting my CPU at 1.5v during Prime tests and CPU was climbing to 70c+. I was just finshed with bumping down the DIGI Load line calibration to ultra high and was running 1.44vcore and under load the DIGI system would bump it up to 1.46v. was runnning prime/CPUZ/and speedfan at the time. CPU was running at 67c and I wanted to know how much my video 6990 (that was in the same water cooling loop) would effect the thermal balance with a 67c capped load temp.


So I fire up MSI kombuster and load up the 3Dtest "wavy plane (GL2)" under custom settings (640x480 windowed) The theroy being was that it wouldn't heat up too much as that test only runs one side of my GPU and only runs at around 70% useage on the GPU. The test starts running and around 5 seconds in my video start flicking on and off. from what I could see, windows was resetting the video driver on and off (notice came up in right bottom corner about AMD device driver was reset). Completely unhappy by what windows is doing, The video just dies to a black screen, thinking that windows is messed I reset the system.


So the bios boots up and I see random characters! OMG (Me thinking my watercooling must be leaking on video card) I scramble to my system and hit the switch on the back of the power supply. I Grab a flash light and look to see if any water got on the card. Not only was there no water, but the card was completely dry. Scratching my head at this one I pull the card out and look at it. There was a little bit of dust on it, but nothing out of the ordarny. I meticulously look over the card, no heat scaring. no smell of burnted PCB, nothing. I chekced the water cooling lines. complely dry. Really scratching my head now I checked the PCI-E socket and power lines leading to the video card. well they looked fine.


So I pluggged the video card back in and I still gotrandom characters. I rebooted a few times. still the same thing, I reseated the card a few times. I even checked the volages on the 12v 8-pin power connecters. nope all running 12.20V. ( well all but the 3 grounds per connector) So I fire it up again and stilll got the same result, I let the system boot into windows and it logs in. Windows looked horrible, but I could make out some of the windows system out of the scramble And what dose it do?! windows reset the video driver again. and everything fixed it self! complelete astonashed by what happend. I go and run crysis just to see if the video card will run a full DX11 program. It worked?! WTF!!! so I load up a map and kill a few guys. Feeling thatIi should walk away before a break it again, I go to get some food while stareing at the beauitful sceanay of crysis.


I come back after 5 mintes and the video screen is black, not at all happy I checked for water again, nope everything dry. So I reboot and it's black, nothing. To cut this down a bit I Checked everything. the card is dead. So I brought out my old 285GTX and put it as primary with the 6990 as secondary, Windows wouldn't even pick it up. So it's now sitting next to me colecting dust. Not sure if it was the problem but my computer hasn't crashed in the last 38hrs.

Edited by wolfrages

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