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AMD Zerocore power issue. (minor)

Guest Black gold saw.

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Guest Black gold saw.

Im using the machines mentioned in my signature. Whenever my monitor decides to sleep and my GPU goes into Zerocore mode and turns off it's fans, from then on when i move my mouse and go back to the desktop. the whole desktop and cursor freezes for a second and the display driver has stopped working and recovered.


Now only my monitor was in sleep mode. the machine itself is fully on.


This is a minor issue as it only happens if my monitor goes to sleep. So if i turn that off problem solved. But i would still like to be able to use zerocore tech..


My hd 7950 is stably overclocked at 1150MHZ core and 1450 memory @ 1.2V.


I assume this is a run of the mill driver error.. So i can let it slip if it is. But hopefully something i can change or do to get it working?

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What driver are you using ? The AMD Catalyst 12.2 Official WHQL has been released so I would have that installed if you havent already

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Guest Black gold saw.

I'm using amd catalyst 12.2 (according to amd) but MSI After burner reads as 12.3 (as does CPU z)


I know drivers are still immature.. :/

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AMD never commented on this, but the 12.2 pre-certs and 12.2 WHQL drivers are tagged 12.3 even in the actual Catalyst Control Center. Its like that for everyone.


The AMD Driver team's twitter account said the 12.3 set should have been out March 21st, but they still haven't released it. I was hoping that today was the day, but still no dice so far. I really want to play Skyrim with AA again. :doh:


The latest beta is this:



Its says "7800" series but it works on all of the HD Radeon Cards. The people over at Guru3D seem to really like it.

Edited by 90sgamer

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