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I just won a ga-z68xp-ud3 in a contest which will start my switch to intel cpus(looking to get a i7 2600k once I have money) and such. My question is what is the different between the ga-z68xp-ud3 and ga-z68xp-ud3p. They look exactly the same aside from colors and heat sinks. I heard the ga-z68xp-ud3p overclocks better but I haven't really heard anything else. If anyone has this board and lets me know their opinions that would be great.


Thanks :D


Edit: Also with the mSata port I know you only can use that with intel SRT. Does that work with all your other drives that are plugged in or can you assign what you want it to cache? e.x my 1TB Data Drive since I already have a ssd as a boot drive.

Edited by rmb938

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Pretty sure the diff without looking was power phase which would affect over locking ability but not sure.


SRT can be use to cache either a single drive or a single RAID array.


Don't know that I would ever bother using SRT with a pure data/storage drive.

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Yea that is what I read up on. It has games and such on the drive as well. I just called it a data drive because it has no OS related stuff on it lol.

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