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Reasons for piracy


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You mean like four of you? That's the dumbest reason I have heard yet, "hey four of us agree that it's ok to steal , who cares that society and it's laws say otherwise"

Stop trolling.




You know what lets try this a different way, Waco why do you think piracy is okay?

I generally don't think piracy is okay and I'm fairly sure I've never said I thought it was. I disagree with your reasoning and how absolute you are about it, not that it's usually a bad thing. I think there are situations where it is "okay" and situations where it isn't. The former are few and far between but they do exist.

Edited by Waco

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I generally don't think piracy is okay and I'm fairly sure I've never said I thought it was. I disagree with your reasoning and how absolute you are about it, not that it's usually a bad thing. I think there are situations where it is "okay" and situations where it isn't. The former are few and far between but they do exist.


No you did not, the impression you had left me with was that you thought it was and hence the question, thank you for the answer. I would ask you respectfully if you could clarify what you consider an okay reason to pirate.


I understand my position is a bit more extreme than most but after years of dealing with this from the perspective of being a pirate and then getting out of it I have built some solid views. Also I am passionate about the computing community and this topic is one that is not really getting much serious discussion yet could be a topic that ruins the community. I know that sounds extreme but I feel I am on the mark when I say that unless we, as a community find a solution to help reduce piracy we will have a solution forced on us that will make none of us happy.


I am truly not trying to troll for anything, I am however openly admitting to wanting to get a large community wide discussion about this topic underway.



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Now if you would like to have a serious discussion about piracy and how we, the computing community can help end it then I am happy to chat.


It's not going to happen. I made a post in the other thread that a war on piracy is as much a waste of time and money as the war on drugs. Legalize weed and all of a sudden there will be a lot less marijuana involved crime. Probably even reduce the number of crack, meth, heroine, etc usage as well if people could legally use weed. How does this compare to piracy you ask? Make digital distribution of media easier and people will use it. There is a reason Steam is so successful. Because it is convenient. Stop making it a pain in the butt for the customers and they'll stop going around you.

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Stop trolling.





I generally don't think piracy is okay and I'm fairly sure I've never said I thought it was. I disagree with your reasoning and how absolute you are about it, not that it's usually a bad thing. I think there are situations where it is "okay" and situations where it isn't. The former are few and far between but they do exist.

That means nothing , the law says you can't pirate software it's absolute. There is no situation where it is ok to do it. You still haven't provided an example. Sop trolling isn't one , sometimes it is ok isn't one eIther.

Can you provide a legal example of where it is allowed?

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