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Need information about TEC Cooling


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I've read up on TEC cooling. I pretty much know how the basics work (in other words, I don't need 3 people copy and pasting information from wikipedia or something). I've seen enough examples to prove it will do as well as water cooling or better (unless someone here can prove me otherwise). I really can't find solid information on a kit or something set up for a PC. I'd like it if someone could explain to me where to look and what parts to look for, as well how I would go about putting it together. I have absolutely no knowledge of setting up anything like this (however, I have built a few computers). Also, I realize it may be overkill in a lot of situations. I could really care less. I'm really an enthusiast (as many people here probably are). I'd like this type of technology for "bragging rights" (although I really wouldn't brag haha, just to feel cool or whatever), and also for future hardware. Whatever. It just seems like a very, very interesting thing and I'd like to get my hands on working with it.


I'm not really considering putting into the build I have now. Not that it's not good or anything, just if I'm going to invest in TEC, I'd like my rig to be extremely top notch. Even if TEC is expensive, I'd still like to see prices and figure it into my budget/how much I'm willing to save. If watercooling is the route I end up going, I'd like to see those options too :D


If anyone can be of help to me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks <3

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I haven't seen a full blown tec cooler in a while. Most of the time I only see this technology used in conjuction with water it air cooling.


You can but peltier pads from a few different places, as well as hybrid water blocks, but you usually need to insulate your motherboard when using this kind of stuff.


If your looking to spend a large amount of money on a cooler for bragging rights i'd look at a cascade.

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Check out this and it is available here for $99.99USD.


I would be interested to try it myself, it appears to be a well set up block and an ordinary rasa kit was enough to take the heat-load away from the hot side of the TEC.



That helps :) I found the link someone eventually posted.




$100 isn't too bad. But I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at :P That's the waterblock, right? I'm assuming the waterblock is like the "central hub" where all your tubes go through? At least, that's what it seems like to me from the pictures. I can get a decent idea... but I definitely need to be filled in on the rest of the information. What else would I need to get to complete the cooling "circuit"?


Again, thanks for that link! +1 :D


And when the site says "Max Power Consumption: 694.4W", what exactly does that mean? That I should have like an 800w-1,000w PSU? Like, what exactly would you recommend for PSU wattage? Just noted the guy from that post had a 850w PSU in his rig. Seems like that would do the trick.


And would I get the 12v or 24v TEC controller (I would definitely get V3.0. Wouldn't want to risk causing condensation)? I don't know what's the benefit of having the 24v? Or if I would even need the extra voltage.

Edited by H3P

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Of course they don't have it in LGA 2011 socket size :(


As far as I know, there really aren't any applications that can fully use the new LGA 2011 socket CPUs. Sticking with a 2600K is probably most people's best bet. Unless you happen to know you have a way to use 2011's, then by all means :P


2600ks are plenty powerful.

Edited by H3P

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That helps :) I found the link someone eventually posted.




$100 isn't too bad. But I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at :P That's the waterblock, right? I'm assuming the waterblock is like the "central hub" where all your tubes go through? At least, that's what it seems like to me from the pictures. I can get a decent idea... but I definitely need to be filled in on the rest of the information. What else would I need to get to complete the cooling "circuit"?


Again, thanks for that link! +1 :D


No problem. It is a TEC with a waterblock mounted over the TEC. All the TEC is doing is more effectively transferring the heat from the CPU to another cooling system in this case a watercooling loop. The guy from the first link was using this XSPC Rasa kit and compared using the hybrid TEC/waterblock combo to a relatively high end apogee waterblock for a rather large difference. You could put together a full custom loop with even better results.



And when the site says "Max Power Consumption: 694.4W", what exactly does that mean? That I should have like an 800w-1,000w PSU? Like, what exactly would you recommend for PSU wattage? Just noted the guy from that post had a 850w PSU in his rig. Seems like that would do the trick.


And would I get the 12v or 24v TEC controller (I would definitely get V3.0. Wouldn't want to risk causing condensation)? I don't know what's the benefit of having the 24v? Or if I would even need the extra voltage.


The TEC only connects via a single 6pin atx connector so it will only draw max ~75W not close to 700W however that is with the 12v controller. I recommend you go for the 24v controller and V3. 24v because higher voltage and same current equals more power and more cooling. P=V*I so you can supply the TEC more power without burning out the wires connecting it to the controller. it should only draw around ~150W from your PSU when being pushed to the Max, don't quote me email Arqtik and get a confirmation of max power draw from PSU if they start telling you about the cooling power and thei 700watts ect tell them that is not what you are after but what you want is to know how much power is the controller and tec going to draw from the PSU. It should be around the 150W mark imo.


Run down on the versions and concerns with condensation.

V1 is no good because it has no safety features regarding dew point ect so at idle you run the risk of condensation. V2 is okay because it limits cooling to only 5C below ambient however V3 is best, also most expensive however it measures dew point and adjusts cooling appropriately.


In there own tests they use a Rasa 750 we could help you put together a better watercooling loop however but for basic pricing here is the run down.


TEC/waterblock - $100

TEC controller 24v V3 - $120

XSPC Rasa 750 WC Kit - $150


Total cost - $370


~150-170 to gain ~10C greater cooling on an ordinary Rasa Loop with non rasa CPU block.


Hope this helps.

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If you put a TEC directly between the CPU and any Waterblock it should have approximately the same effect, right? You don't need a waterblock that is designed specifically for a TEC. Although having a TEC controller that measures dew point and keeps the TEC above it is definitely desirable.

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Although having a TEC controller that measures dew point and keeps the TEC above it is definitely desirable.


If the Peltier part of the cooler brings temps below the dew point you'll have to insulate your motherboard for long term cooling. Personally I wouldn't have a problem with this, but many do.


I wasn't aware that you could use hybrid cooling like this without insulation, so that changes my opinion about it slightly.


However, I still think that it is kind of pointless. In my opinion the max overclock you're going to be comfortable running your chip at 24/7 isn't going to be much higher than it would have been if you just used a decent water loop, which you'll end up building for this anyway.


Yes you could OC higher, I'm sure you'd want to, than what you'd be able to on a normal water loop in order to benchmark, and of course for bragging rights. However, you'd be able to get better results by using something like a DICE pot.


If money isn't an option I still say go for a cascade, or single stage phase change cooler.


You did say you wanted the TEC tech for bragging rights, so it might be the case that none of this matters to you. Just my 2c.

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