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Cant get a decent overclock Amd x3 435


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Have you tried lowering your multi to maybe 14x or 13.5x and seeing if it is still stable at a higher bclock. If so then you probably need more voltage on the CPU alone


I'm not sure which voltage you'd want to adjust, I always hated boards that had you set the voltage then also set how far above the level you just set (seems redundantly pointless)


considering you're running the HT Link and CPU NB frequencies below stock I'd say leave their voltages alone for now, I'd tweak them to rest around 1800-2000mhz though, and then tune them up once the CPU will go no higher.

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Yes i tried lowering the cpu multiplier in verious amounts but to no joy, it just kept bsod within 5mins of getting into windows


I decided to reset optimal defults in the bios after some confusion with stress testing.. So every thing was back to stock/auto and i increased the cpu/ht reference clock to 210 then after some testing took it upto 220.. some more testing then upto 230 (this is normally were it would crash) done some more testing and things looked very stable indeed, Thought id take it a lil further to make sure it was not just a one off and i managed to get a cpu clock of 240 more testing and things looked good just a little instability occured so i backed off to 238, Its now been sitting nicely at 238 for the past 5hours without any signs of instability


I think this is mainly because my ram multiplier has droped somewhat,


These are the settings its at now


Corespeed: 3460

Multiplier: x14.5

Bus speed: 238.0Mhz

Ht link: Set to Auto Running at:1904.0Mhz

Nb frequency: Set to Auto Running at 1904,0Mhz

Core voltage: 1.376V

Core overvolt: Startup

Ram: Set to Auto Running at 318.0mhz Timings: Set to Auto: Fsb Dram 3.4 Cl 5 Trcd 4 Trp 4 Tras 12 Trc 15 cr 1T

Ram overvolt: Set to stock 1.90V

Temps: Idle:19C Load: 35C


Ram seems very low considering its 800Mhz (DDR2) so im guessing that would be 318Mhz x2 so its running at what 636mhz? but anything above and it starts to get abit unstable so i shall explore more into the ram side of things and see what i come up with..

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