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Overclocking = "Disk Error Occurred Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart&


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I've got an old E2180 processor which should easily overclock from it's native 2Ghz to 3Ghz. However, I've always ran it at 2Ghz because as soon as I start increasing the FSB speed, the mentioned errocrstarts occurring. How frequently this error occurs depends on how higher I set the values. But it starts hapening at a mere 2,4Ghz.


What could be causing this?



Edited by Pax3

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I've got an old E2180 processor which should easily overclock from it's native 2Ghz to 3Ghz. However, I've always ran it at 2Ghz because as soon as I start increasing the FSB speed, the mentioned errocrstarts occurring. How frequently this error occurs depends on how higher I set the values. But it starts hapening at a mere 2,4Ghz.


What could be causing this?




Would help if you posted your system specs like mb>psu>memory>etc.

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Your NB is overheating causing the (I think) Sata controller to stop working.(that is a guess) But anyway that error means the HDD is not being seen by the mobo at all.

Edited by Black6464

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Your NB is overheating causing the (I think) Sata controller to stop working.(that is a guess) But anyway that error means the HDD is not being seen by the mobo at all.

There's literally hundreds of causes. I recently had a computer that was giving the error. I replaced the hard drive, and after some coaxing, it worked just fine.


The old drive was totally dead, though.

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