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Quiet Cooler


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Hello, I want to purchase CM Hyper TX3 for my CPU (Phenom X4 955 - Stock Speeds) and I want to know how quiet it is on Low/Max speeds.

My first choice was CM Hyper 212+, but that cooler doesn't fit my small case.

I want a cooler that is quiet AND cheap, because my CPU stock cooler is quite loud on max. RPM and the temperatures are sometimes are quite large (60~ Celsius),

Edited by yincloud

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If you have a slot for a 120 mm fan anywhere by you can use an H50 or H60 in the case and if there is ample room then an H80. If the case has duel 120 slots at the top or rear then an h100 can be used for sure.


But if you want to get the Hyper TX3 then It should fit into the case ok as its more then an inch and a half shorter then the hyper 212 plus. Its not the quietest cooler ever but it functions well if the fan is turned down.


As Bishop245 said it would be great if we knew what case or cabinet this is going in. It will much broaden our search for the proper cooler for your case.

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Meh I would simply recommend the Hyper 212 evo and then buy a cheap quiet fan or go with a noctua heat sink with in your budget. Both options will fit your case, and both would be quiet. Otherwise you could even go with the noctua NH-D14 and as long as you have a good bit of air flow, again through the case we don't know, I bet you could use it as a passive cooler. Any thoughts on that guys?

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Tj for passive I would get a larger cooler than even the d14 I would duct the rear exhaust completely bore open the rear exhaust and mount a 140x30mm noctura fan or similar silent fan same bore at front with same sort of fan.

I would want a sealed gpu that vents all.its heat out the back and unecessary cavities in the case would be sealed with air flow paths opened as much as possible.


Been considering this for a htpc although no gpu use something like hd3000 graphics on the 2500k

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Tj for passive I would get a larger cooler than even the d14 I would duct the rear exhaust completely bore open the rear exhaust and mount a 140x30mm noctura fan or similar silent fan same bore at front with same sort of fan.

I would want a sealed gpu that vents all.its heat out the back and unecessary cavities in the case would be sealed with air flow paths opened as much as possible.


Been considering this for a htpc although no gpu use something like hd3000 graphics on the 2500k


This is off topic. Stonerboy, why would you use the 2500K with the i3 2105 has intel 3000 hd graphics? I also did a test with the D14 as a passive radiator. On a well ventilated case with a phenom x4. I limited the stress to about 50% since I do not believe a htpc would get above 60% load for any long period, and I also played a movie for about 15 minutes. As a passive cooler it only had a max of 62 and normally stayed at 58C. I think with an i3 in a htpc this idea would be fine, however I do retract it as a suggestion for the thread.




That might be a bit better cooler for your needs. Supposedly its quieter, but in reality I have never trusted advertised noise levels. Also, please dont read the 1 star reviews, they are just a bunch of fools who didn't do their home work.

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Still off topic:


Because Tj if anything in my case hits over 60C it is running too hot ;) (current rig, idle 30C and below and load cpu 40C load gpu 55C, more often sits on 45C, this is with 20C ambient, watching a movie cpu fan 40% case fans 50% and gpu fans 25% temps hover on 30C, I like it cold :happy:)


I would choose the 2500k purely because it is better than the i3 and to me the price is worth it for what I would wish to do. I would choose k to do some underclocking and have turbo boost to bump it up when needed perfect imo for htpc.


92km fans no thanks :lol:

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Well as to stoners recommendation for adequate temperatures, oops. For me upper 80's is what I look for on air. If you think 60C is too high, I have a . tons of problems :lol: . Yeah your 2500K might be the best situation then, and let me know how the build goes. I am looking at doing a build for my family and I am torn on either an htpc or a hackentosh, and I will start a thread after this on the build section.


I do not agree with boinkers recommendation. That is just wayyyyyyyy to expensive. For the same price ( depending on where you shop online) you could get an H50 and just slap a noctua fan on it and call it done. Still for your situation, just find a really cheap cooler and then modify your fans for some noctua ones. The x4 just ins't going to through off a lot of heat. I just don't see a need to spend more than about 50 bucks USD.


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103075 . AND http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608006


Boom done. It fits, its quiet, and the total is about 40 bucks. Plus you get a free sata 2 cable :woot: . The only thing that might be better is more fin surface area, but you will probably pay more. For the moment though this is perfect.

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