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Over Clocking Help

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Ok so I updated the bios, no problems. Thanks Wev for all your help! When I go into bios now, turbo mode is there to change. However, as soon as I change any value, it disappears. Is the mobo just automatically turning turbo off and therefore removes the value, or is it just a mystery for Dr. House to solve?? Let me know what I should do next.

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That reminds me of something on that board. If I remember correctly, once you manually set a cpu multiplier the TurboMode option disappears. I seem to remember that also happening if you disable Speedstep or C1E.

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That reminds me of something on that board. If I remember correctly, once you manually set a cpu multiplier the TurboMode option disappears. I seem to remember that also happening if you disable Speedstep or C1E.


Yes that is exactly what happens. I am very very VERY glad to hear that.


I keep looking up peoples over clock with the 950 on youtube. Even though they don't have the same board as me, they are getting WAY lower volts and much lower temperatures with the same cooler I have. To me this makes no sense, because they have kind of lower end boards. I mean my board on the asus website spells out that it is made for overclocking. If that is the case, why is it just not being friendly? :dunno:

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Don't lap it unless its broken. Check the surface with a razor blade or a straight edge. Unless you can put a piece of paper between it lapping its going to be a waste. I understand I'm exaggerating but unless its concaved (low center) then its really not going to be worth your while.

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well I am seeing temps with my noctua nh-d14 at stock at idle of about 38 to 40 C. I have good air flow, and my ambient temperature is 18C. I am using artic silver 5 for the thermal paste, and with everything the way it is, I should be seeing temperatures of like 30-32C. Moreover I shouldn't be hitting a high of 70C in prime95. I am out of ideas. Unless you guys can think of some little thing I am missing, then tomorrow I am buying sand paper because this is nuts. I am so pissed off at myself for not spending the 30 extra bucks for the asus rampage 3 mobo, because if I had I seriously doubt I would be hitting temps of 95C at a 4 ghz oc.

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Remove the hsf and check the Tim before you clean it. Nothing personal but I think there may either be not enough Tim. Not a good spread, the Tim is old and clumped or the processor is bent badly. If the Tim is centered in the middle and is too think then this condition will be noticed. I would also try something other then Arctic silver 5. I would try other Tim and a different mounting method before I went that route.

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If contact between the heatsink base and cpu IHS looks good (i.e. you have a good TIM footprint when you disassemble again) you might consider that the cooler itself is faulty. Maybe a pin hole leak or something in the heatpipes?

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If contact between the heatsink base and cpu IHS looks good (i.e. you have a good TIM footprint when you disassemble again) you might consider that the cooler itself is faulty. Maybe a pin hole leak or something in the heatpipes?


That could be. I have tripple checked all the mounting a thermal paste is good. A falty heat sink could be the culprit. I don't know though.


If this doesn't clear up soon, I am cutting my losses and selling the thing before there is a bigger problem.


In a few days, I will be posting a video to show you what I am seeing. I would do it now, but I have wayyyyyyyy to many college apps to fill out.


Thanks guys for all your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If this doesn't clear up soon, I am cutting my losses and selling the thing before there is a bigger problem.

That's a shame because the Asus P6X58D-Premium is a great board, and of course we all know the brute i7 950 :)


You've got a pretty nice system and you'll only get a fraction of what you paid for it when you go to sell it. Then you'll have to

turn right around and buy more stuff (I'm assuming that you want to keep a desktop gaming rig).


You know, I'm almost thinking it might be worth your time and some change to buy a CM Hyper 212+ as a bench/test cooler, install it and see if things

get better. Now - in no way am I suggesting the the 212+ is a better heatsink than the Noctua, but it is a lot less expensive and won't break the bank.


If that fixes things then you have to assume it's a bad Noctua heatsink and you can go about RMAing it. Once you get it back you can just sell

the Hyper 212+ here. I don't think you'll have any problems with that. Worst case you're out maybe $20 in the long run.


If that doesn't do the trick the only other thing I can think of is a faulty temp diode(s) in the CPU itself.

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