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Long term stability question


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So I had my 1075T on a mild OC of 3.75GHz and decided that was enough for the time being. I ran prime95 for 24 hours with no errors and decided that was good enough. A few months went by and no problems. However, over the past few weekends I have had to be away from my computer for several days at a time and I began to notice around the 3 day mark that my folding clients would stop working due to an unstable core. I ran prime95 for 3 days and errors started showing up around the 65 hour mark. So I rolled back to the stock clock of 3.0GHz and let it run for a week solid with no errors.

Rig specs:

Phenom II 1075T

motherboard: asus m4a79t deluxe

ram: G skill ripjaw X series 1600

hard drive: Crucial 128g SSD

video cards: 2 Sapphire 6950's

PSU: Antec 750W


Now I don't remember my exact settings for my former OC but I do remember the vcore was fairly high at 1.4125v. And since the processor is not unlocked, the bus speed was 255.


So my question is, did I do something wrong during my OC or is my chip simply a dud in terms of OC capabilities?

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I bumped my processor back up to 3.75GHz and started folding again to see NB temps. Looks like I'm getting about 37C after 10 minutes of folding with the ambient temperature hovering around 11C (about 50F)


Is that unusual or is that an indicator the NB gets way too hot?

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37 is well within reason...but when your case temperatures rises (and it will) you're looking at a minimum of 26 degrees over your ambient case temperature on the northbridge.

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