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So I don't have the board yet but I bought it for my wife's PC because her motherboard finally crapped out it seems. I wanted to get it because it was a lot more economically feasible to buy it and then upgrade the proc later. This brings me to my only concern.


I remember when the AM3 chips came out that the first AM2+ and AM3 boards were kind of dead fish as far as overclocking went. I am hoping I didn't fall into the same trap and buy to soon or buy the wrong board. I did my homework but I didn't check it.


I would have it in hand but I accidentally shipped it to my parents house :glare:


So GIGABYTE GA-990XA-UD3 pros are:


8+2 Phase VRM so it may overclock well.

Relatively Cheap for a nice Chipset.

I have no need for dual 16x PCI anyways so why spend the money on the FX chipset?

Future proof, finally.

Really nice looking Mosfet cooling and boar in general (nice to me)

DDR3 1866 without OC.

And a very nice on-board sound card.


Any thoughts?

Edited by GabrielTessin

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Well personally I think buying a board for a CPU thats not even out yet is buying way to early. Thats just what a think and it may not be true.


Well the reason I did it is because she needed a new one and I didn't want to buy a model for a dead socket.

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The board is good, I am using it right now. Haven't tried to really overclock yet because still trying to get all the kinks out of my various installs and what not. And AM3+ isn't really new technology. AM3 boards can support BD with a BIOS update. It's just the chipsets that are new and they seem to be pretty good.

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