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Newbie Clocker needs advice from the professionals


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Thank you for reading :)


I am new to overclocking, and am looking to give my computer a small overclock, and was looking for advice from the professionals.


I have a i7 920, on an Asus P6T board, and was looking to bring it up to 3.0 or 3.2



I will be ordering a new cpu fan and ram provided in the links; and was wondering also how to properly install and configure this ram to its proper speed.


If anyone has the time to walk me through the bios settings of this specific motherboard, or can recommend a beginner overclocking program that would work on this asus board, any help would be very apreciated!



CPU Cooler




I have also attatched a picture of my CPUz incase there is any relevant information.


Thank you again!


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why new ram? Probably not needed, so keep the old as well!

3.2 is a very small overclock these days so no real need for new cooling either, but it is definitely better to be on the safe side!

I am 99% sure you won't have to mess with voltages either, but all these points go away if you decide to go higher than about 3.5


1) In BIOS; lower the memory multiplier (probably can go back when all is stable, just safe to lessen the possible faults) to 1066. Then raise the baseclock from 133 to 150 (for 3GHz) or 160 (for 3.2)


2) Test for stability with OCCT linpack


3) increase the baseclock a bit more if you want (might need some voltage too), or find a memory divider which is still stable (you did'nt specify your ram, so its hard to recommend). Ram has marginal performance impact though. With the divider from 1 you will have ram at 1200-1280MHz, bumping it to 1333 will get you to 1500-1600MHz and it is not sure that works if you have 1333MHz ram.


4) Run OCCT linpack again, and then 24 hours straight of Prime95 and then you are all set.


ps. during all these steps check your temperatures so nothing bad is happening, and if it gets over 70C you will probably have to reseat the CPU heatsink or invest in better cooling (though at these speeds you are probably not at risk)

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I understand raising the base clock to 160. I will do that :)


but I don't understand about the memory multiplier, can you please explain further so i can understand better


p.s. the current ram i have is junk, i will be buying This Ram - and I would like it to be running at 1333 or 1600.


Im just trying to get a bit more speed without increasing the heat too much :)



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After doing much reading I think I am starting to get a handle on it. So please tell me if this would be correct...


Go into Bios, change Base clock to 160, and Memory Multiplier to 10, and Cpu Multiplier to 20? and Disable the Turbo boost?


That would get me at 3.2 ghz on the i7 920, and 1600 on the ram?


Would I need to alter any other settings? Or will I be at risk?


Please let me know if i am thinking correctly.


Thanks :)

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After doing much reading I think I am starting to get a handle on it. So please tell me if this would be correct...


Go into Bios, change Base clock to 160, and Memory Multiplier to 10, and Cpu Multiplier to 20? and Disable the Turbo boost?


That would get me at 3.2 ghz on the i7 920, and 1600 on the ram?


Would I need to alter any other settings? Or will I be at risk?


Please let me know if i am thinking correctly.


Thanks :)


Depending on the chip maybe voltages, though I think mine was fine till I hit 3.6, then it started getting thursty. Also some 920's dont like the even multipliers on the cpu, though at sucn a low OC i doubt it would manafest itself..

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memory multiplier 10 (might be labeled as ddr-1333 or something similar) only if you only use the new ram. if you keep the old as well (gaining performance) a multiplier of 8 (might be labeled 1066MHz) is probably needed.


Even if your old ram is cheap or old, as long as it is still functioning, it is way more important to have more than faster. it will hold you back if you overclock higher, but in this stage you don't have to worry.

even between 1333 and 2133 ram you will only see about 5% performance difference...

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Hey there. welcome to OCC. there is a good guide out there im going to give you. It has a BSOD code reference in there too that will help if you run into issues.


Core I7 920 OC guide


Another thing you have not got yet is the monitoring stuff.


Core temp is awesome for anything. Core temp


Hardware monitor for everything most else. Hardware monitor


sense you have an Asus board you can also use either AI suit or Asus PC-probe. They both work well.


For stability testing I use Prime95 Prime 95. it has both 32 bit bin and 64 bit so choose the one you need.


or there is always OCCT. OC base.com


Have fun overclocking. THat guide up there is single handedly one of the best I have seen for anything other then Dolks guide to the Phenom II. Enjoy it and Go overclocking. Just keep an eye one it and shoot as high as you can.

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