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Radiator For 3 Gtx 580


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What do you mean :/

I should put it at the lowest place , lower than Tubs?

Or should i put it higher than the tubs?

At the top of the box?

The pump is needed to pump the fluid not just around but back up from it's lowest point. While you could put it anywhere you'll gain a couple degrees extra cooling if you get the pump as near to the lowest point of the loop as you can. To be honest it's not the most crucial thing if you have a decent pump and a loop that isn't stupidly large.

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The pump is needed to pump the fluid not just around but back up from it's lowest point. While you could put it anywhere you'll gain a couple degrees extra cooling if you get the pump as near to the lowest point of the loop as you can. To be honest it's not the most crucial thing if you have a decent pump and a loop that isn't stupidly large.

Wait what? :blink:


Pump location has nothing to do with cooling - it's all about making sure the pump doesn't run with air in it. Being at the lowest point in the loop (it doesn't have to be by much, minimizing the vertical on your setup increases flow rates) makes sure that your pump doesn't run dry and destroy itself. :cheers:

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Wait what? :blink:


Pump location has nothing to do with cooling - it's all about making sure the pump doesn't run with air in it. Being at the lowest point in the loop (it doesn't have to be by much, minimizing the vertical on your setup increases flow rates) makes sure that your pump doesn't run dry and destroy itself. :cheers:

Op listen to this^^


To be honest Waco I think I got lost in my thoughts and rambled. Far too tiered at the time.


Also op have you given thought to fans yet? Basically anything with a high static pressure, will be what you should look for.

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What do you mean :/

I should put it at the lowest place , lower than Tubs?

Or should i put it higher than the tubs?

At the top of the box?


What Waco said. "it's all about making sure the pump doesn't run with air in it"


Keep your pump at the lowest point in your loop, or better yet keep it at a lower point then your res, as water need to free flow into the pump inlet apose to making the pump suck in water in. The will cause cavitation in the pump and you dont want that.

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