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overclocking amd 1100t help

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Started with NBVID at 1.3 but got instability at 200x18.5 with CPUVID at 1.5. So I lowered the NBvid and gained stability. I've lowered the NB down to 1.25 and I'm stable at 3.9ghz and I'm noticing the vcore on cpu-z isn't goin up to what I have it set at on msrtweaker yet staying stable. The more I lower NBvid the less the vcore on cpuz goes up yet it remains stable. With NBvid at 1.3 the voltage on cpu-z matches what is set on msr tweaker. Is that normal?

Edited by iluvstrats2

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Not all CPU's overclock the same, but I'm sure you can hit at least 4.0GHz on that thing. You may just have to tweak a bit more. Try raising NB VID and lowering CPU VID. Still, even at 3.9Ghz, your IBT for 5 runs is faster than mine at 4.0GHz. :P

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You can try it, but loosen the timings on your memory, first. The trick is to raise it to the bus speed you want first in your BIOS, but keep a low multiplier. Then up the multiplier in PhenomMSRTweaker.

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Hey Iluv.

It is entirely possible that 3.9Ghz you are stuck at is all the particular CPU has in it. It is at the low end of 'normal' for a thuban. I can get mine OCCT stable @ 4.4Ghz , but that is at the very high end without exotic cooling. Some folks over @ OC.net had Thuban OC'ers plot their OC's

See below:



It's a bit disappointing I'm sure, but not strange. I am by no means suggesting you give up if you wish to pursuit it further, just letting you know that your CPU (or combination of components) may have reached it's limit.

Good luck, hope you get 4.0+Ghz :)

Edited by red1776

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@captain: thanks man I'll give that a shot


@red: started to think that is the cause. Just hit the limit of my particular cpu/component combo. I'll do a little more tinkering and see if I can get it stable at 4.0ghz, if not, I'll be happy with what it's at now. Everything is running really quick and smooth. Weird seeing that lowest score on the chart.

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well dont pay attention to the 3.5's on the chart, those people were just giving it a minor bump. the vast majority of Thubans will OC from 3.9-4.2 depending on supporting hardware. The 1100T is my third Thuban and I got lucky and got a "good one". In theory,

getting one that has been binned a bit higher can depend on what the price point demand is (kind of like the 3x cores that unlock to perfectly good x4 CPU's). Both my 1055T and 1075T both went to 4.2Ghz with top end MB's. I actually picked up the 1100T because prices were so good and i might get one that was binned a bit higher, and got lucky with a 4.4Ghz capable chip.

Edited by red1776

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