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I think your teacher is totally right about this, in fact, just to show her you're ahead of the game, you oughta introduce her 4chan, she'll be thrilled, if not disgusted. Then she can see what kind of people enjoy Tumblr. :D


Seriously, that's what I would do if I were in your position, I can't even stand having a Facebook account, why would anyone want to join all the other silly social networking sites popularized by people that feel the need to tell everyone "my tummy hurts! :( " or "OMG check out my sandwich!"


Maybe that's just me though, the people on my facebook friends list really aren't by choice after all, but oh well, they got me a free mousepad. :D

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Twitter is great... for communicating with those friends that like to ramble. This keeps everything they have to say to under 140 characters. :D I actually have a private Twitter account for our servers that they post alert messages to. Tublr is nothing more (IMO) than a half-ass blog platform. Never saw the value in it, but some people love it. I certainly don't see the point for a technical writing course, since those two services are almost the complete opposite.


My "professional development" instructor required us to have a LinkedIn account which I thought was silly.



But as they say.... "socl mda is teh futurz! lol"


The rest are just for finding out what colour someone's turd was, or what they are currently eating for dinner.

Blue and fish.

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Found this in my email yesterday


Dr. Bryan Alexander' date=' fellow at the National Institute for Technology

in Liberal Education, will be on campus September 29 for a lecture and

discussion with scholars. He has generously agreed to begin the

conversation online (of course!) We have created a closed group on

Facebook called "[deleted']" Please request to join the

group. He hopes to engage with students before he arrives to know what

you think about technology. He is aware that the first year Scholars

have read Jaron Lanier's You Are Not a Gadget. First year scholars,

you will be asked to contribute to the discussion as an extension of

colloquium. If you have any questions, please let me know.


Responded (to everyone in the scholars program (which is my university's honors program))

For those of us who left or never signed up for facebook for any number of extremely valid reasons [which might actually serve to showcase what we "think about technology"]' date=' this is sorta sad.




When taking part in a discussion on the topic requires me to patronize a website which my principles simply can not abide, it's pertinent to say the least. And those principles aren't of the "I'm gonna be vegan because I saw a youtube video and it's the cool thing to do right now" variety; they are underpinned by an extensive amount of experience with technology (I'm an Electrical Systems Engineering major, with a background in IT (4 years mainframes, 6 years data processing), and who was online before there was a World Wide Web, to give an extremely rough sketch of my background). I have very, very clear and well defined opinions and insight on myriad aspects of technology which I will not have the opportunity to share owing to the DSP favoring Facebook as their defacto go-to for this sort of thing.


The fact that facebook IS that pervasive is disheartening to say the least. That they have achieved a level of success such that membership is assumed, that people who do not to use the site actually suffer quantifiable penalties such as this, in spite of business practices which make me grimace just thinking about them . . . it's relevant . . . and it's sad.


So yeah, OP, I feel your pain--at least this part is optional for me though, if a class required that I have facebook--I'd drop it (well, I say that... I mean, if it were at all practical to drop it. I might cave if it meant I'd graduate late or something, but still, you get my point).



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