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Need help finding the right cpu cooler Please..

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Hi all..I am having trouble keeping my northbridge cool..It is about 55c at idle and on load get's close to 70c..I really don't want to redo it with thermal paste and all that jazz...So I thought maybe you guys would know of a good aftermarket AMD CPU cooler that would maybe blow onto the NB and help keep it cool..Oh yeah, and those temps are with a spot cool pointed at it on high, but as you can see there isn't much room for a spot cool to fit very well with a big video card in the slot right next to it....I also tried to mount a 40mm fan on top of it, but as you can tell by the NB shape it was very awkward to put on, and noisy, so I removed it...Right now I just have a stock Phenom cooler on it, and it doesn't help it at all....Any advice or recommendations on a cooler for it?


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I know you don't want to remove it and change the TIM, but if you have a spot cool already on it and it's not helping, I don't see a new CPU cooler making a big difference either. I know everytime I have had NB temp probs on a mobo, replacing the factory TIM with something decent has always dropped the temps. My recommendation would be exactly what you don't want to do....but I do think it will be the next best step :D If that doesn't work, then you might have a RMA in your future.

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I know you don't want to remove it and change the TIM, but if you have a spot cool already on it and it's not helping, I don't see a new CPU cooler making a big difference either. I know everytime I have had NB temp probs on a mobo, replacing the factory TIM with something decent has always dropped the temps. My recommendation would be exactly what you don't want to do....but I do think it will be the next best step :D If that doesn't work, then you might have a RMA in your future.



Well, I managed to get that 40mm fan on the NB by finding a longer screw..It took the idle temp down 5c, so that will have to work for now..But the next time I have to remove the mobo I will just break down and replace the thermal paste on it...


I have AS5 and ceramique, which one should I use for the NB?

Also, I just cleaned my HD5770 and used the ceramique on it, and had wonderful results with it..But I was wondering if I need to let it cure a bit before stressing the card? or is it ok to get my game on? THANKS

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If the VGA is in the OK zone with the new Tim then use it like you want and just keep an eye on the temps. Use anything none conductive on the NB chip so use the arctic ceramique only. I prefer thermal pads over any paste but paste will do just fine.

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If the VGA is in the OK zone with the new Tim then use it like you want and just keep an eye on the temps. Use anything none conductive on the NB chip so use the arctic ceramique only. I prefer thermal pads over any paste but paste will do just fine.



Ok, that sounds good then, Thank you Mr. Boink! Now I gotta go see Sam Fisher,,,,,: }

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What's your price range, you may want to consider a blow down style CPU cooler if to assist the NB in cooling




Hi, I would like to keep it around $40 and under if possible...I would look myself but honestly I haven't bought alot of aftermarket coolers to know anything about them..

I actually have this Cooler but after I put it on I noticed it left a good portion of the cpu exposed and it looked scary to me so I removed it, Plus, this fan is only able to point towards my ram or the back of my pc, so I guess it wouldn't work anyway...That was the only aftermarket I have every bought, and I got a bad one, lol....

But I will take any recommendations ya got..Thanks

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